Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
Hi Nayumi , u can file a petition in court here in philippines for the recognition of divorce from a foreign national
i went to the city hall where my marriage is been registered but some lawyer told me the divorce decree i have from Japan is not valid here in Philippines since we don't have divorce here in Philippines and i got married here in Philippines and not in Japan....she told me i can't have that divorce recognize here... i just don't understand why she said that to me when the person from DFA gave me the instructions on what i have to do and in the first place the DFA staff knew i was married here in Philippines....i wish i can just get a lawyer and pay and have it done the quickest way possible but i am not rich neither do my bf is.....so much problem...i was really hoping i could do it in easy way that don't need to spend lots of money as that's what we don't really have but unfortunately i can't.....