Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
I maybe wrong and if I am them perhaps someone here will correct me, but I thought that if you were were married in the Philippines to a foriegn spouse who subsequently divorced you in their own country, ie Japan, UK etc, then you could apply to have that divorce recognised in the Philippines, whereas if it was the Philippine citizen who instigated divorce proceedings in another country, then that divorce could not be recognised in the Philippines and the divorce would have to be annulled in the Philippines before the Filipino citizen would be free to marry.
i even thought of that also....i just don't understand why that lawyer told me that i can't have my divorce abroad recognize here in Philippines wherein the staff in DFA told me i can...i know we don't have divorce here in Philipines and i'm not applying for divorce neither annulment,,i just want my divorce be recognize here in Philippines....simple as that but they are making it so hard for me......some bloody public lawyer....