Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

... that's all OK in New Labour Britain as long as NHS Senior Managers earn over £100k and receive 7 percent rises who gives a monkeys about the patients or their balls.
You can't be serious ! Do you really think managers and doctors don't care ? The VAST majority DO care and there are checks and balances (job appraisals, medical audit, peer review, multidisciplinary team meetings, ethics committees, the GMC) to ensure that those who don't are found out. There's an irreduceable minimum of mistakes made by the best doctors ( 2% of all pathologists' diagnoses of cancer by microscopy are wrong, but would the outlook for patients improve if these doctors were all struck off by the GMC?). Just be thankful that most managers and doctors provide a good service which is free at the point of delivery in the UK and has to be paid for (or done without) in the Philippines and elsewhere in the world