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Thread: What Gifts?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Although this question has been asked a few times in the past, we have a number of folk who are heading out to the Phil in the next few months?

    This question is mainly to the ladies in the Phil. What gifts should Brits take for you, family, etc?

    One thing to Brits, don't take 9ct Gold ... it's like toy metal out there
    Doesnt say anything about the first time, just says what gifts should brits take , if you are of a mind set to take nothing or very little to show your effection whats the point in reading/responding to this thread. its not asking you to say how little you should take in your own opinon its aking for gift ideas... these are gift ideas.. i think its rude to call ppl materialistic just because they like nice things ...they havent put an importance to them, thats like me calling someone who thinks they should take very little if anything a stingy old miser.which i wouldnt do... they might have very good reasons for being thrifty...Happy shopping

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Notavirusalso View Post
    Doesnt say anything about the first time, just says what gifts should brits take , if you are of a mind set to take nothing or very little to show your effection whats the point in reading/responding to this thread. its not asking you to say how little you should take in your own opinon its aking for gift ideas... these are gift ideas.. i think its rude to call ppl materialistic just because they like nice things ...they havent put an importance to them, thats like me calling someone who thinks they should take very little if anything a stingy old miser.which i wouldnt do... they might have very good reasons for being thrifty...Happy shopping
    I wasn't calling anybody materialistic, just saying I'm glad my missus isn't. Like Sim says some of the gift ideas that have been mentioned here are going to frighten guys off. Laptops, phones, playstations Feel free to call me a miser I think I've just been sensible, which is not to say I've been a total skinflint. Of course, I've bought gifts for her and her immediate family; without going over the top.

    If I ever thought my sex life was being determined by I would soon

  3. #3
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I wasn't calling anybody materialistic, just saying I'm glad my missus isn't. Like Sim says some of the gift ideas that have been mentioned here are going to frighten guys off. Laptops, phones, playstations Feel free to call me a miser I think I've just been sensible, which is not to say I've been a total skinflint. Of course, I've bought gifts for her and her immediate family; without going over the top.

    If I ever thought my sex life was being determined by I would soon
    I think everyone agrees, giving is a personal decision, and everyone one and every relationship is different.If you feel you know someone enough to buy a gift then there is nothing worng with that.One man's or one woman's idea of a gift, is different to another. Accept there are some obvious pitfalls to avoid in a brand new relationship, but as a lot of people have said in this thread, if you enjoy the giving and she enjoys the recieving then great. spend what you can afford, and do whatever rocks your boat. I can afford to lavish my fiancee with perfume, dozen red roses and even mobile phone, and i enjoydoing it and she loves my attention.I am always asking is there anything she would like and she always (always) says, you are the most important thing and I know she means it.So I buy gifts and act romanctic because i enjoy it, she does and its creates some fun, love and excitement to an already strong and meaningful relationship. so to what is right for u, what feels right, what you enjoy and tell each other how much you love each other each and everyday....that is the most important gift of all....kiss kiss my fiancee Maris....the best gift will be the fiancee visa next month.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Notavirusalso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I wasn't calling anybody materialistic, just saying I'm glad my missus isn't. Like Sim says some of the gift ideas that have been mentioned here are going to frighten guys off. Laptops, phones, playstations Feel free to call me a miser I think I've just been sensible, which is not to say I've been a total skinflint. Of course, I've bought gifts for her and her immediate family; without going over the top.

    If I ever thought my sex life was being determined by I would soon
    we all pay one way or another else we wouldnt even bother going to work just some are so hooked up to the grid they fail to see it, but each to their own......

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