Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
Although this question has been asked a few times in the past, we have a number of folk who are heading out to the Phil in the next few months?

This question is mainly to the ladies in the Phil. What gifts should Brits take for you, family, etc?

One thing to Brits, don't take 9ct Gold ... it's like toy metal out there
Doesnt say anything about the first time, just says what gifts should brits take , if you are of a mind set to take nothing or very little to show your effection whats the point in reading/responding to this thread. its not asking you to say how little you should take in your own opinon its aking for gift ideas... these are gift ideas.. i think its rude to call ppl materialistic just because they like nice things ...they havent put an importance to them, thats like me calling someone who thinks they should take very little if anything a stingy old miser.which i wouldnt do... they might have very good reasons for being thrifty...Happy shopping