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Thread: Is this the worst man in the world?

  1. #1
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    Is this the worst man in the world?

    Dan Dorn in Los Angeles is seeking child support from his wife, as he has custody of their young triplets. but get this, his ex wife was severely injured whilst giving birth to these triplets and was disabled as a result, requiring life long care. The triplets were given an undisclosed amount for the (effective) loss of their mother

    So her then husband left her, got a divorce and custody of the triplets. He then stopped his ex wife and her family from seeing the triplets...

    Now after his ex wife has been awarded Millions of dollars because of the cesarean given to her caused her to lose vital oxygen to the brain and become brain damaged, the ex husband wants child support! Despite the fact these millions are required to cover US medical bills.

    See this CNN story for more info

  2. #2
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    There's got to be a slimey lawyer behind this story somewhere

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    You do hear some funny court cases in America!

    I remember one about a burglar who BROKE into a familys home, he intended to make his way upstairs to start thieving but the staircase was being renovated/repaired by builders at the time, the burglar fell and injured himself and later successfully got compensation from the family for his injuries!

    Another story was about a woman who bought a winnebago, (winnebago is a big caravenette vehicle thingy) Anyway this vehicle was advertised or described as being "fully automatic" and she was stupid enough to think that this meant she could let go of the steering wheel and go and make herself a cup of coffee!

    The winnebago went off the road, crashed, went upside down, got smashed to bits, she would have been injured aswell presumably. But anyway she later successfully got full compensation from the winnebago manufacturer by claiming that the drivers manual didn't make it clear she had to hold the steering wheel!

    Surely she should have been banned from driving? For life perhaps!?

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  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    You do hear some funny court cases in America!
    Most of these stories is media hype, having spent a lot of time in the US you will find that claims such as these happen more in the UK than the US.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
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    I dont know, when I was working for a US company, we spent a considerable amount of time investigating claims that came in constantly for the most ridiculous things. Had to keep records of absolutely everything.

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