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Thread: Once-reluctant Aquino ready to lead the Philippines

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post Once-reluctant Aquino ready to lead the Philippines

    Standing on the back of a truck throwing wristbands to an endless stream of people chanting his name, Senator Benigno Aquino III smiles and says he can almost feel the Philippine presidency.


  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2WinRSS View Post
    Standing on the back of a truck throwing wristbands to an endless stream of people chanting his name, Senator Benigno Aquino III smiles and says he can almost feel the Philippine presidency.


    Well,I have no idea if this Aquino fellow is up to the job or not... GMA took a lot of stick on this forum even after her many worthy achievements here on the ground in the Philippines..
    It would be nice if those so many miles away would tell us now who they would have voted for and why before they start slagging the next president down based on what the owner of their nearest sai sari store told them!!
    So who do you wish to be president of Filipinas?? Speak now or forever be ignored!! (or at least until the next term)

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    well,i have no idea if this aquino fellow is up to the job or not... Gma took a lot of stick on this forum even after her many worthy achievements here on the ground in the philippines..
    It would be nice if those so many miles away would tell us now who they would have voted for and why before they start slagging the next president down based on what the owner of their nearest sai sari store told them!!
    So who do you wish to be president of filipinas?? Speak now or forever be ignored!! (or at least until the next term)
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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