As the license for this forum is up next month on version 3.8.x , I could update to the new vBulletin 4. However this is a major upgrade my end, but it would add a host of new features and add bits that make it more like a real social networking site.
Everything you know and love on here would still be the same, just laid out a little different. My end I'd have to go through all the plugins one-by-one as I will need specific 4.x ones.
Just so you know what the new forum and extra bits would look like take a look at these:
vBulletin board with Blogs:
This whole site is actually all vBulletin 4.x:
I would wait for version 4.04 to be released though as it will have more Facebook integration, as the plugin I'm using for FB at the moment doesn't work 100%.
Let me know what you think, any upgrade wouldn't happen till June.