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Thread: Article: Philippine Love - So You Want To Marry A Filipina

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Article: Philippine Love - So You Want To Marry A Filipina

    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
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    A lot of great points in this article

    Just wanted to mention this though -

    8. Are you prepared to have children, if so, are you prepared for many and various children?

    Worried that my gf might want a big family, I recently asked her how many kids she'd like in the future. Just one, she said Bit of a relief, I can tell you. Other younger Filipinos that I've spoken to also don't seem to want big families like their parents before them. I guess they realise they can have better lives than their parents if they only have a few kids.

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    A lot of great points in this article

    Just wanted to mention this though -

    8. Are you prepared to have children, if so, are you prepared for many and various children?

    Worried that my gf might want a big family, I recently asked her how many kids she'd like in the future. Just one, she said Bit of a relief, I can tell you. Other younger Filipinos that I've spoken to also don't seem to want big families like their parents before them. I guess they realise they can have better lives than their parents if they only have a few kids.
    Yeah and many of the Kids in the smaller morden Phill family seemed to be spolit like crazy from what i have seen in Phill

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