I know that feeling also.... now 9 months since i got back from Bohol. Unfortunatley when i was there i got news that the company that i was working for for 5 years had gone in to Liquidation!

I have been very lucky to have been in full time employment for over 20 years so its been quite a shock to my system.
On the positive side i am surviving and we have been able to obtain Arlene's annulment recently
Next step hopefully in May will be Application for a Tourist Visa for Arlene

to visit the UK in the late summer.
I hope to spend Xmas back in Philippines so all in all its great now the sun is shining and each day to look forward to being close to my mahal again soon..... oh and not forgetting..
We YM each morning and night and i know its tough for her...i appreciate all the help and support here on the forum.
Great people.....

Great friends