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Thread: immigration issue

  1. #1
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    immigration issue

    Hi everyone, just want to ask your points regarding issues on immigrations...because i've been hearing a lot of things from British about immigrants taking their jobs out of them....

  2. #2
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    i don't think its fair...

    I'm fed up with people moaning about immigrants taking British jobs because mostly the same people spend all their money on foreign goods... which destroys British jobs!!!

  3. #3
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    What is not fair?

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    i don't think its fair...

    I'm fed up with people moaning about immigrants taking British jobs because mostly the same people spend all their money on foreign goods... which destroys British jobs!!!
    You cant say that about Joebloggs

    I think you go any where and people moan about outsiders i have even heard phills in Manila moaning about workers from either the provinces or abroad coming in and taking jobs. I have heard Phills moaning about Chinese goods.

    Everyone likes a moan I guess like you say better to not worry about it and get on with improving your own chances like many Phills and quite a few Brits do and go where the Jobs are

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    i don't think its fair...

    I'm fed up with people moaning about immigrants taking British jobs because mostly the same people spend all their money on foreign goods... which destroys British jobs!!!
    People can only buy whats put on the shelves Companies will always employ at the lowest wage they can pay, so if Brits are seeing foreigners coming in and sending their money back home to buy houses and whatnot, while they can't afford to pay their mortgage and put food on the table at the same wage, you can understand why they have a bit of a moan

    Like somebody says, it happens all over the world.

  6. #6
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    Since people have been on this earth the history shows that folk have always moved to where work is or there are better conditions.
    I spent many years working overseas for the same reasons.
    However, some countries have made it harder for people to take the jobs that the nationals can do.
    The USA and Australia are prime examples.

    It seems that the EU set itself up to allow the free movement of it's people to find work where they could.
    Nobody foresaw that the disparity in earning power would be so great that eastern europeans would find it so lucrative to come to the UK to make money.
    This coupled with the fact that they could learn English at the same time.

    I find it a joke that politicians say jobs for British workers when they cannot enforce this.
    The precedent was set at the start of the EU and it is hard to shut the gate when the bull bolted a long time ago

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your talking about 2 different things, controlled and UN-controlled immigration

    controlled - most if not all countries control their immigration needs, like OZ with its points based system that's being used now in the UK, if your not highly skilled and young or your don't have a skill that's on the job shortage list, you will not get a work-permit..

    UN-controlled immigration - in the UK case, any European can virtually come to the UK and do any job they want.

    andy is a fact that 80% of new jobs created have gone to immigrants since labour came to power.

    so brown made another gaff, when he said 'British jobs for British workers' what he meant was 'British jobs for non British Europeans'

  8. #8
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    thanks to all you replies....i think you all have good points, what bothers me is that i have meet Brits here and talk about it infront of me, making me feel that I am not welcome....

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    ....what bothers me is that i have meet Brits here and talk about it infront of me, making me feel that I am not welcome....
    What you need to differentiate is that those who are here legally are more than welcome , it's the illegal ones people refer to when talking about immigration ..... these ones >>>
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    your talking about 2 different things, controlled and UN-controlled immigration

    controlled - most if not all countries control their immigration needs, like OZ with its points based system that's being used now in the UK, if your not highly skilled and young or your don't have a skill that's on the job shortage list, you will not get a work-permit..

    UN-controlled immigration - in the UK case, any European can virtually come to the UK and do any job they want.

    andy is a fact that 80% of new jobs created have gone to immigrants since labour came to power.

    so brown made another gaff, when he said 'British jobs for British workers' what he meant was 'British jobs for non British Europeans'
    Is it the UN i thought that was rufugees not the right to move within the EU or

    We are all Europeans and your perfectly entitled to work abroad as many people I know do I know several people on here who have done so. Dont you remeber when Brits worked abroad in aufedersein pet and plenty of young Brits work abroad in holiday jobs.
    I know with the weak pound and lack of jobs quite a few people of all levels of skill looking to move abroad.

    Look how many on here are immigrants on here some of my ancestors were immigrants (irish) as were some of yours i belive. Dom Po is a immigrant so every time he takes a job he must click up one of those jobs in the 80%. Doesn't worry me means i can move to Italy with my Company possibly in the future and i don need a visa

    Now your telling me Labour are bad and I was gonna vote for them after all you had good to say for them yday

    Joe did you miss the point about people buying non british made goods if only you had brought british back in the 80'

    Only joshing geezer

  11. #11
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    thanks to all you replies....i think you all have good points, what bothers me is that i have meet Brits here and talk about it infront of me, making me feel that I am not welcome....
    Ignore them people read the paper and think the world is ending. If you dug deeper many would not be hundred percent ancient briton even anglo saxons are immigrants as are the royal family.

    You have followed the laws and regulations to come to the UK, so just ignore them

  12. #12
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Thanks Somebody

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    We are all Europeans and your perfectly entitled to work abroad as many people I know do I know several people on here who have done so. Dont you remeber when Brits worked abroad in aufedersein pet and plenty of young Brits work abroad in holiday jobs.
    i'm not european , i'm british
    we dont use the euro

  14. #14
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    everytime they bring up a topic like that in front of me, i just say at least im working and not just claiming benefits and doing nothing, anyway we pay tax so we have nothing to be ashamed off.

  15. #15
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    why shud it matter about jobs , 2 many ppl try 2 seperate us by colour, religion, we r all one family, one blood, one nation.
    it was man dat came and saiid "this is england , this is phils, this is america" not GOD...GOD created us a ONE people.....since those ancient times man scattered just like d seeds, plants and animals
    and as far as benefits and claiming, evry1 shud entitled to it bcaz d system was created to help d weak .... if we take dat away wat do we become?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    thanks to all you replies....i think you all have good points, what bothers me is that i have meet Brits here and talk about it infront of me, making me feel that I am not welcome....
    Ignore him if he doesn't speak but if he asked, tell him you're paying tax to help feed some british lazy

    bas! ehehehe

  17. #17
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    not all ppl r lazy ,many british hav poverty,, lack opportunity or cannot work due2 disability, d system was designed bcaz british demanded demmocracy - then out of dis came d nhs and benefits plus other reforms..... no disrespect penny but wat do u no about ppl from uk, i come from london from d streets... you cant judge british ppl at all- plus wat has d phils done for its ppl? to much sufferation no health service, if u dont hav money u die, why shud a person wit money have more right to live than sum1 wiv no money...seen?
    when my child was born in phils he needed a life saving injection immediatly which cost 30,000 pesos.....
    but wat did they do? not give d injection no.... make us pay d money in cash first

  18. #18
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Ignore him if he doesn't speak but if he asked, tell him you're paying tax to help feed some british lazy

    bas! ehehehe
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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