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Thread: best way to transfer money

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    best way to transfer money

    After reading about sending parcels,,,

    whats the best way of sending money??, years ago i use to use a money transfer from my bank, but it cost so much,,

    the best way i have found is using PNB Europe, who are based in london..
    i use digital banking to transfer money from my current account to one of thier english accounts, wait 3 days for the pay to get into thier bank

    then fill in a form on thier web site and they should have the money in the philippines the next day,, or even same day....

    they just charge a fee of £5 for transfers i think less than £1000....

    anyone know i quicker or cheaper way????

    ps oh you do need to apply for a remittance account first thou...

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    After reading about sending parcels,,,

    whats the best way of sending money??, years ago i use to use a money transfer from my bank, but it cost so much,,

    the best way i have found is using PNB Europe, who are based in london..
    i use digital banking to transfer money from my current account to one of thier english accounts, wait 3 days for the pay to get into thier bank

    then fill in a form on thier web site and they should have the money in the philippines the next day,, or even same day....

    they just charge a fee of £5 for transfers i think less than £1000....

    anyone know i quicker or cheaper way????

    ps oh you do need to apply for a remittance account first thou...
    oh i forgot to say, ive only ever had 1 problem with them in 5 years, and i use them once a month, they claimed they had never recieved a transfer of £700 i made, and the crazy thing is , i trasnfered it to their NAt WEST account, when they kept saying they had not got it, i phoned then NAT WEST branch up, and because of the 'banking code', they would not discuss with a 3rd party (ME !!!) if they had received the money !!!!! CRAZY WORLD

    well i contacted my bank , who traced the money to NAT WEST and then to PNB .... told me sorry. after 1 week of messing me around,,,

    but thats the only problem i ever had

  3. #3
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    I've come across something called a pre-paid Mastercard Gold credit card.

    How it works: apply online for instant approval (no credit checks or anything like that), pay a set up fee at the post office of £16.95. In 7 days you get your Gold Mastercard.

    You can then "reload" the card at any UK post office by cash or debit card instantly or retailers that have a paypoint scheme.

    As it is a Mastercard, its accepted at retailers and cashpoints all over the world, and because you can only spend what you pay in, theres no chance of any fraud. If you try to use the card and theres no funds, it will decline the transaction.

    Only downside is that ATM charges are about 2%, but its free to pay money in.

    PM me if you want further info, and NO I don't work for this company! I just think its a great way of budgeting.

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    We use the PNB europe method too..I dont think there is a cheaper or more reliable/fast way??

    Found out the other day that Nationwide debit card can be used in any country completley free of charge..I think we will just use this method when we move.. Any negative side to using this service long term abroad?
    Only 6 months to go!!

  5. #5
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    I use MoneyGram,send from any main postoffice cost £12 to send but the money is there in 10 mins.Never had a problem with it.John.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    We use the PNB europe method too..I dont think there is a cheaper or more reliable/fast way??

    Found out the other day that Nationwide debit card can be used in any country completley free of charge..I think we will just use this method when we move.. Any negative side to using this service long term abroad?
    Only 6 months to go!!
    With using a brit debit or credit always make sure you ask for a note to be put on the account details with the company reagrding where it maybe used. To stop any anti fraud/theft system denying or freezeing the card.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    We use the PNB europe method too..I dont think there is a cheaper or more reliable/fast way??

    Found out the other day that Nationwide debit card can be used in any country completley free of charge..I think we will just use this method when we move.. Any negative side to using this service long term abroad?
    Only 6 months to go!!
    Hi Fred, so your moving over to the philippines for good? can i ask you a few qestions

    1) have you a job lined up over there? or you setting up your own business?

    2) have you a settlement visa? was it difficult to get ?

    if had enuff off scouser keith, and liverpool is only 35 miles from me, 6000 too near, (only joking keith !! )

    but w'ere thinking of moving over there soon..

    thanks for any info

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Hi Fred, so your moving over to the philippines for good? can i ask you a few qestions

    1) have you a job lined up over there? or you setting up your own business?

    2) have you a settlement visa? was it difficult to get ?

    if had enuff off scouser keith, and liverpool is only 35 miles from me, 6000 too near, (only joking keith !! )

    but w'ere thinking of moving over there soon..

    thanks for any info
    Hi Joe.. (where have I heard that before?)

    1) I have tried to get work there in the past but I was flogging a dead horse of course!
    We took a big gamble a couple of years ago by building an 18 door apartment block in Cavite..(still not completely finished)
    Since then I have advertised it to death all over the Internet which has seemed to pay off.
    We've got twelve units finished and rented by Brit and US expats and fiancees etc and the demand is greater than supply at the moment.
    I was very surprised.
    When all units are rented that will produce over P100 K a month.

    We also sold our house last year and due to the price boom gave me quite a nice sum.
    With rising interest rates That`l give us about £750.00/850.00 a month in interest (tax free).
    However with 2 youngsters and a teenager to educate we are gonna need a reasonable income.

    2) I was thinking of getting a residence permit (13a visa) and still not sure whether to get it here in the UK or over there..
    I`ll probably do it there as I will have 2 years breathing space, what with 1 years balikbayan and another year of extensions. After the 2 years we will probably go over to Australia for a months holiday which means I can get another Balikbayan on the return leg.

    but we're thinking of moving over there soon..
    I`ll get the first case in!!

  9. #9
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    i send money via RCBC peso express they charge me £5 any amount you send its 24hrs only

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Hi Joe.. (where have I heard that before?)

    1) I have tried to get work there in the past but I was flogging a dead horse of course!
    We took a big gamble a couple of years ago by building an 18 door apartment block in Cavite..(still not completely finished)
    Since then I have advertised it to death all over the Internet which has seemed to pay off.
    We've got twelve units finished and rented by Brit and US expats and fiancees etc and the demand is greater than supply at the moment.
    I was very surprised.
    When all units are rented that will produce over P100 K a month.

    We also sold our house last year and due to the price boom gave me quite a nice sum.
    With rising interest rates That`l give us about £750.00/850.00 a month in interest (tax free).
    However with 2 youngsters and a teenager to educate we are gonna need a reasonable income.

    2) I was thinking of getting a residence permit (13a visa) and still not sure whether to get it here in the UK or over there..
    I`ll probably do it there as I will have 2 years breathing space, what with 1 years balikbayan and another year of extensions. After the 2 years we will probably go over to Australia for a months holiday which means I can get another Balikbayan on the return leg.

    I`ll get the first case in!!

    thanks for the info FRED,
    the joebloggs, you might might not know, Keith being a famous Manc fan does know is a well known clothes brand from Manchester, where i live it advertises "manchester home of the legendary Joebloggs", also has the other meaning of a normal (non scouser person!)

    wow yes, looks like you did the right thing, me my wife and kids want to live there, well my 17 yr old stepson, hes been in the UK only 2 months he wants to go back to philippines already, and makes my think why i will be applying for ILR for him in April !!!. thing is i carnt afford at the mo let him go back...

    My friend married a Japanese gal a few years ago, after living here for near 2 years, they went back to the land of the rising sun, it took him near a year to find a job, he now teaches english to adults in a school... have you thought of teaching Adults?, i suppose the demand is not as high in pinoyland, what with being 3rd biggest english speaking country in the world.

    as for Aussie, thats another place i thought of going to, iam sure Keith would help pay for my ticket !! hahaha, my wife is a doc registered in philippines, but working here in the NHs as a bloodsucker, she takes blood from patients, its only 5hrs aday, if she takes her REgister exams she can work as a doc here in the Uk, but i dont think they pay for a doc in Oz or new zealand is anything like the pay here, and i've got big debts to pay off b4 we can do much..

    oh am waffling on lol,
    i really wish you the best when you go, yes you sold your house the right time, iam sure the housing bubble is gonna pop soon, the prices cannot keep gonig up, they have to fall or wages have to greatly increase, alot people are gonna be in deep if it, and when it does, borrowing 5 times there annual PAY !!!

    thnaks again FRed..

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    iam sure Keith would help pay for my ticket !!
    Drop 'em , and we'll see what we can do .........................
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    iam sure the housing bubble is gonna pop soon, the prices cannot keep gonig up, they have to fall or wages have to greatly increase, alot people are gonna be in deep if it, and when it does, borrowing 5 times there annual PAY !!!
    With inflation going above 3% , I can see the base rate moving towards 7% perhaps even this year. The next rise will be in Febuary I reckon.
    The last time inflation was this high interest rates were 10%!!
    Its a big bubble and when it does pop we can expect a very nasty BANG.
    Im glad Im out of it to be honest.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    where i live, the cheapest house, a 2 bedroomed terreced would cost you near £100,000. even with both working on £15k each, still 3 times your combined wage... sometihng gotta bang...

    like shares, buy'em cheap, sell'em high, don't buy high.. could be the time to sell, but i've been waiting for years lol..

    hmmm look at that chart, prices go in cycles,,,, when is it gonna drop

  14. #14
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    100,000?? You cant buy a mobile home for that where I live !

    All my shares are dross at the moment..
    I cant believe I sold 5,000 quids worth of egdon resourses at 30 p and now they are £1.90!! I give up..

    Yes I have read that houseprice crash site.. Thing is,they said it would crash 2 years back. A lot of people there sold back then and lost a 50% gain..Ouch.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    house next door to me, an end terraced 2 bedroom, i was thinking of buying it, they want £20,000 4 yrs ago, and now the new owner tried to sell it for £86,000

    as for shares never again, i had deutsche telecom shares and when the inet/technology bubble burst, i lost like 2/3 rd of what i paid for them,.,

    as for the crash it will happen, just when, wish i had a crystal ball, anyway, i live at my moms house for now, shes in a residential home, she had a breakdown after her 3rd husband died on her birthday,,, then i had to fight the council who wanted to put a charge on it to pay for her £465 aweek care home fees, thats after taking most of her pension and benefits.

    some of you think you've got hard times or your problem is a major one to you, but infact its nothing to what some people have been thru... my mom, lived under nazi's and russian rule, forced to flee across europe, at 13yrs old look after her bb brother and her younger sister, while her mom was put in a russian prison camp. widowed 3 times, 2 of her husband die in her home.. i could go on and on..

    anyway, not a bad day like the other post, but many bad years...

    anyway its friday !!

  16. #16
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    i send money via RCBC peso express they charge me £5 any amount you send its 24hrs only
    I will tell that to TJ..... as in any amount???? Thats wonderful...
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  17. #17
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    After reading about sending parcels,,,

    whats the best way of sending money??, years ago i use to use a money transfer from my bank, but it cost so much,,

    the best way i have found is using PNB Europe, who are based in london..
    i use digital banking to transfer money from my current account to one of thier english accounts, wait 3 days for the pay to get into thier bank

    then fill in a form on thier web site and they should have the money in the philippines the next day,, or even same day....

    they just charge a fee of £5 for transfers i think less than £1000....

    anyone know i quicker or cheaper way????

    ps oh you do need to apply for a remittance account first thou...

    Im worried about TJ's parcel that he sent Dec. 18 where could it be now??? hope it arrive one of these day
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    Im worried about TJ's parcel that he sent Dec. 18 where could it be now??? hope it arrive one of these day
    You're only likely to get it if he sent it via courier. The postal service in the Phil ahs got worse for theft over the last 12 months. Anything that looks valauble vanishes.
    Keith - Administrator

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