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Thread: Married in Philippines and visa app. in two weeks??

  1. #1
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    Married in Philippines and visa app. in two weeks??

    My gf tried to get a fiance visa in March but there were some problems with the over the counter payment. The British Embassy had stopped this method without posting the info on it's website. Anyway she missed the flight to Manila and the appt.

    So I've decided to go over this year again and get married and then apply for the spouse visa during the same trip.

    I have two weeks holiday and would like to marry in a civil ceremony in Cebu and then submit the spouse visa application in Manila.

    Do you think it is possible within this time frame please? I will be taking a declaration of no objection with me from the UK (is that everything I would need).

    The whole thing has been hard work and so want to get it right this time.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasper99 View Post
    Do you think it is possible within this time frame
    It is possible, but only if everything is extremely well planned. You would need to go to the British Embassy as soon as you land and exchange your British certificate of no impediment for the local Filipino version. This is best done in at the British Embassy in Manila if your in a hurry because at the British Consulate in Cebu you have to have an appointment and from what I've heard, you can't always get one exacly when you want one, whereas in Manila it's just walk in and wait (an hour at most). Then you'de have to get to Cebu and apply for the marriage licence, for which you'll have to wait 10 days. You may also have to attend a pre-marriage seminar, but this can usually be done during your 10 day waiting period. The only problem with this plan is that you'll probably have to go home almost as soon as your married.

    Quote Originally Posted by jasper99 View Post
    (is that everything I would need).

    I think you'll find that you'll also need your birth certificate and if you've been divorced you will need your decree absolute. As far as the visa app is concerned, that will have to wait at least until she has received her NSO copy of the marriage certificate which can take some time (up to 3 months) to come through.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    It is possible, but only if everything is extremely well planned. You would need to go to the British Embassy as soon as you land and exchange your British certificate of no impediment for the local Filipino version. This is best done in at the British Embassy in Manila if your in a hurry because at the British Consulate in Cebu you have to have an appointment and from what I've heard, you can't always get one exacly when you want one, whereas in Manila it's just walk in and wait (an hour at most). Then you'de have to get to Cebu and apply for the marriage licence, for which you'll have to wait 10 days. You may also have to attend a pre-marriage seminar, but this can usually be done during your 10 day waiting period. The only problem with this plan is that you'll probably have to go home almost as soon as your married.

    I think you'll find that you'll also need your birth certificate and if you've been divorced you will need your decree absolute. As far as the visa app is concerned, that will have to wait at least until she has received her NSO copy of the marriage certificate which can take some time (up to 3 months) to come through.

    Also when you apply for the exchange CNI in the Philippines, you will ned your future wifes NSO Cenomar & Birth certificate, they will not give you the exchange CNI without those documents, also, then you have to wait 10 working days before the marriage licence is issued, so it is a very tight time scale to do it all in two weeks, then like the previous poster mentioned, you have to wait for the NSO marriage certificate, regarding the Spouse visa application, read the 'Checklist' & make sure you take all the documents with you, in duplicate & leave them with your wife for when she applies her visa, along with wedding photos & most important, provide as much 'additional info' as possible, over do it with letters, emails & especially screen shots of both of you in webcam YM chats, my husband even gave me photos of his home to submit, he got the bank statements stamped & certified by the bank manager, i'm sure this helped, i got my visa in 3 days only

    Ellie , Ormoc City, leaving for the UK in 5 days!

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I would not advise you to that course of action on two week time slot an aquantance of mine has been at the process now for a full month including such endearing adventures as "oh sorry sir we forgot to submit your copy only 3 days more " and "we forgot to order the paper to be printed for the licsence" and he lives here on Cebu

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    I would not advise you to that course of action on two week time slot an aquantance of mine has been at the process now for a full month including such endearing adventures as "oh sorry sir we forgot to submit your copy only 3 days more " and "we forgot to order the paper to be printed for the licsence" and he lives here on Cebu
    I think that if he makes sure that he gives a good bung to every official he comes across, he might just manage to do it...... he will probably find of course that there will always be those unfortunate last minute problems that require an additional bung to some greedy Bard who's already fleeced him once already.

  6. #6
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I wasnt going to mention that but ive also heard of a guy arriving and being wed within 36 hours with the relevant paperwork being done after he had left nowhere I would wana go though

  7. #7
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    Thanks for answering. It doesn't look good then. This certainly isn't easy or cheap.

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