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Thread: Wrong surname spelling on Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Wrong surname spelling on Visa

    well hurrah yes we did get the Visas but as soon as my wife saw them she noticed they spelt my surname wrong . its written twice on her passport, once correctly and once incorectly. then on her daughters passport my name is incorrectly spelt. The error is a common one with my surname (ELLIOTT) in that they missed off 1 T .

    So the visas look as fillows:-
    Place of the Issue : Manila Valid from:27/04/10 Valid until: 27/07/12
    Number of entries: Multy Vaf No.: 999999
    Type: VISA TO SPOUSE/CP-Spouse/CP of x Elliot dd/mm/yy
    Name: ELLIOTT xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
    Passport no.: xxxxxxxxx Sex: F Date of birth: xx/xx/xx
    Obsrv: No recourse to public funds
    Numbers of dpendants: 0

    Place of the Issue : Manila Valid from:27/04/10 Valid until: 27/07/12
    Number of entries: Multy Vaf No.: 999999
    Name: ROJONAN xxxx xxxxxxxx
    Passport no.: xxxxxxxxxx Sex: F Date of birth: dd/mm/yy
    Obsrv: No recourse to public funds
    Numbers of dpendants: 0

    Anybody know what we should do? i was hoping to book the tickets today!
    I have emailed the embassy in the hope of a quick response and plan to phone monday if i can find a number...but the wife is not happy!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i dont think it should be a problem as its obvious a human error,
    they will probably just have a quick glance at the visa anyway,
    but see what the embassy say..

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    with Joe that it SHOULDN'T be a problem ... for the reason he has stated. But being aware of how pedantic some airport officials CAN be at times, it's probably as well to double-check the position with the Embassy - as you intend doing - for the sake of putting your mind at rest.

    Congratulations on your good lady's success!

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Get it changed as the visa will be used for CFO, EXIT of Phill, possibly tranist, Entry to UK, then for id purposes for bank accounts etc, then if you need to travel it maybe need for schgen visa applications and return to the UK. Then ILR or its new name and then Birtish citzenship.

    A few days delays will stop a lot of nervous squeaky bum moments..

    Trust me the Wife noptices the difference between a visa in her phill passport being checked at passport control and her brit passport where they barely glance at it..

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the only problem you might have is some jobsworth ECO being a pain in the

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as Andy says its probably better to get it sorted if you want peace of mind, i think the embassy will probably issue a handwritten correction with a stamp and the correcting officer's signature on the passport, just above the visa maybe if you can get to the embassy or post them, it could only be a couple of days..

    like you said give them a call.

  7. #7
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    you should return that to them to correct.

  8. #8
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    We had an error when getting a visa for Marvie's daughter, they had the wrong date of birth. When we called they said just bring them into the embassy, and there and then put a line through the visa and issued a new one on the following page with the corrections. No questions or complications.

  9. #9
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Well got my answer today after phoning, faxing and emailing my query hehe!

    Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and we apologise for the spelling error. Given that the error is minor, it is not necessary to re-issue the visas. The Entry Clearance Officer who dealt with the application of your wife and her daughter will annotate their case files which can be accessed by staff in the UK. We will copy this correspondence to the case notes alerting anyone involved with their visas in future to the fact that we have acknowledged the error but that this does not affect your wife and daughter's immigration status.

    So now all set to bring them over once we get the CFO sticker! Thanks everyone for yoursupport / comments etc.

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