Like your wife, Joe, my daughter was a professional person ... having worked as a Speech & Language Therapist for 15 years. Her husband is a Physics teacher but, for a couple of years after training, the only job he could find was in 'supply'. Then - when he DID obtain a permanent post - his wage was considerably less than Fiona's.
And so they decided that - if and when they had kids - Fiona would be the breadwinner ... with Dean staying at home to look after them.
As it transpired, however, they had been married more than 10 years before their first child came along - by which time Dean's salary matched Fiona's - and she gave up work immediately, to devote herself to full-time motherhood.
Sure, they're a lot less affluent than they'd grown accustomed to - having since had to forego such luxuries as foreigh holidays and sell one of their two cars. But they wouldn't have it any other way, given the choice!
Besides, Fiona's mother-in-law lives quite close to them and would be only too pleased to "babysit" for them during the day ... but Fiona herself, is a firm believer in it being the parents' responsibility to look after their offspring - until the latter are school age at least!