Originally Posted by
David House
That`s the same old propaganda that`s been used for years, together with the gerrymandaring of the population for votes. We are not all as lucky as you that can move away from overcrowded cities, we have to stay and watch the downward spiral. The explosion in property prices as a result of increased demand as a result of population increase, same as schools,education,healthcare etc. The building trades have been decimated by imported labour and the younger people you refer to as needed mostly come with their own families that have to be supported.Most of the Brits that have gone to live abroad have put money into those countries economies, not put further strain on them.
My simplistic view is,lower the population, resulting in lower pressure on housing and prices coming down, less wives needing to work to help pay the bills, more time to fill by having children and growing our population in a more manageable way.
I remember my parents being strongly against the immigration from the West Indies, and my uncles from Ealing hating the arrival of the Indians in Southall. Nothing really changes and given time everything settles down. No-one in their right mind would now argue that the waves of immigration that my parents and uncles objected to did not turn out to be hugely beneficial to us. How many of us have black friends, of West Indian origin? How many know Indian families who have worked hard and become propsperous through study and ambition? How many of us have an Indian doctor in our practice?
Our society is getting older and needs the carers and others to do some of the basic jobs. Simply lowering the population cannot work and those aged people would not receive the services they need if we could do it. We need a vibrant economy generating revenues to sustain all our public services and without a managed inflow of people this is not going to be achieved. All politicians know this, but they also know that to openly admit it makes them unpopular and probably unelectable. Hence the double speak which we get at this time. I did not move away from London because of the immigration, indeed I quite enjoyed the buzz of a multi-cultural enviroment. I moved because I needed more space for my family and now I cannot afford to move back, even if I wanted to.