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Thread: To lady J and Joebologs

  1. #1
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    To lady J and Joebologs

    hello guys! i just want to know more info about this child benefits things and tax credit...first is that are you both under FLR when you claim benefits...i mean i just wanna make sure that it wont affect in future application of ILR when i know it be ask if my husband is claiming child benefits and tax credits were planning to get our own home sooner or later and we thought it could be a little help financially, in raising a child as we are now expecting our first child and obviously as i would not also be able to work in a bit longer for i have to look after for our child and my husbands has a low income...hope to hear from you soon guys...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    In your case, your husband (british) who can only make a claim for all benefits he's entitled.

    Your husband will automatically entitled to claim Child Benefit after you gave birth. To make a claim, he'll need to send the original child's Birth Certificate with the Child Benefit form.

    Use the link to see what benefits he's entitled

    Your ILR application in the future won't affect if your husband is entitled to claim Tax Credits.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no it will not effect your app for ILR, as the great ladyJ has said,

    I've claimed everything i could, with 2 kids and a teenager i needed to, until my wife works full time , I just made sure my wife ddint claim anything, i even claimed the sure start materntiy grant and not my wife ,,,

    on your app for ILR, just make sure where it says public funds, that you dont tick any boxes in the 'you' column, but tick the partner (your husband) boxes with the benefits he has claimed.

    i clamied for working tax credit, child benefit, child tax credit, i did on my wifes FLR app tick the social fund box, but didnt tick it on my wifes ILR app, as it says 'you must tick the relevent box(es) to show which of these are being received' .. well the maternity grant is a one off payment, and i told them i claimed it on my wifes FLR, so i didnt tell them again.

    as for buying your own house , prices are toooo dear, we live at my moms house, and have done since my wife came here, more than 2 years ago, and IND have never contacted my mom or work . what have i paid £1000s for in visa fees.

    dont worry ive applied for FLR and ILR and not had a problem. good luck with your baby LadyJ and ElJean , my little on is teething , oh he's wearing us out .... but what a star he is

  4. #4
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    thanks so much guys!!!!i will tell hubby about it so he wont be bothered much now hes just afraid if i cant stay in here with him just because he would be claiming benefits for our future child...

    Filipina a born survivor!

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    have you got a national insurance number? i think you will need one, as the tax creds people will want it. becuase i dont think the tax cred people can process your claim without one, oh , i think the tax cred people might arrange an interview for you to get one if you haven't , i know it took them many weeks to sort my wifes out.. maybe its be quicker if you could do it yourslef.
    and soon as your bb is born get a few birth certs, you will need them, i tihnk you need to send one to claim child allowence which is £18.10 a week. and depending on your husbands wage, maybe also the sure start maternity grant which is £500.
    also tax creds depending on your husbands pay..

    do it all soon as your bb is born, delays could cost you

    good luck

  6. #6
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    they say you have to prove first that you are looking for a job b4 you can get a IN and you can get it from job center plus...would i still be able to get a NI even if i am pregnant?
    Filipina a born survivor!

  7. #7
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    If you haven't got NI and your husband is entitled to Tax Credits then on the Tax Credit form 'Your NI section' leave this blank.

    After he submit the application form to the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) they will automatically arrange an interview for you in your local Jobcentre for your NI.

    If your husband is entitled to Tax Credit or any benefits from HMRC he might get a Sure Start Maternity Grant (SSMG), ask your local Jobcentre for the application form.

    You can still find a job that suits you even you are 6 months pregnant now and can stay to your employer when you are 7 to 8 months pregnant but some pregnant women are finding hard to get a job specially if you are half way through to your pregnancy.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as always ladyJ is right

    you can get an NI number if your husband is making a claim for Tax creds, infact they will, like the great ladyJ said arrange an interview. could take a long time thou...

    i think most of the benefits you can apply online for them, but anyway, when your bb is born, the hospital should give you all info and forms for benefits you might be able to apply for..

    first thnig to do when bb is born, send your hubby out to get a birth cert and get the ball rolling..

    my wife was offered a job working for the nhs, she found out she was pregnant about a week b4 they offered her the job subject to checks and tests, the cheeky , becuase she couldn't have certain tests done as she was preggy, the head of the department phoned her, and said 'we've got a problem', meaning becuase shes pregnant !! , i told her not to let the guy bully her into giving the job up, he was saying oh, you will leave and all the other . but my wife worked til about 2 wks b4 the bb was born, and went back to work about 1 month after he was born, she just missed out on maternity pay by a couple of weeks ..

    anyway good luck

  9. #9
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    thanks a lot again you two!!!!

    Filipina a born survivor!

  10. #10
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    Congrats to all mums and dads to be in this forum...

    Based on my experince they will not let people claim benefits without NI of both couples thats back in 2005, I don't know this time but if you engaged in employment before you surely have one.

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