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Thread: Britain a safe haven for the scum of the earth.

  1. #1
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    Angry Britain a safe haven for the scum of the earth.

    Is this what Jolly Jack means by a safer Britain?

    By Richard Littlejohn

    Read more:

    Labour boasts that it has transformed Britain over the past 13 years. it promised that things could only get better and claims to have created a 'fairer' and 'safer' society.

    This case is a reminder that the election is about much more than economic competence or cleaning up politics.

    Over the past 13 years, Labour has certainly lived up to its promise to transform Britain. The country is certainly 'safer' for some people.

    Pity it didn't mention anything about transforming Britain into a safe haven for the scum of the earth.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    time to scrap the human rights act and have a Sovereignty Act where no Euro law can over ride UK law.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    A curious observation on my part, I know ... but one way or another, 'Jolly Jack' has been a prominent member of the Labour Cabinet ever since the present Government took office in 1997. And throughout its early years, he was always pictured wearing wee, round gold-framed spectacles that were fashionable at the time. But nowadays, he seems to've "ditched" the specs completely, I've noticed. Maybe that explains why "Strawman's" policies as Justice Secretary have become so short-sighted!!

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