Waiting time to vote in the Philippines 5 hours
waiting time to vote in UK 5mins (stop moaning)
Waiting time to vote in the Philippines 5 hours
waiting time to vote in UK 5mins (stop moaning)
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
yes correct! hows the new system works in there now mari?
Automated Election ate bheng
The automation of the 2010 National Elections signals the beginning of a massive transformational phase in the electoral system of the Philippines. We are finally moving away from the known flaws and weaknesses of the old ways of doing things and towards an automated election system that promises a speedy and accurate count, a highly efficient reporting mechanism that democratizes the count and canvass of election results, and most importantly, the extinction of dagdag-bawas.
Mabuhay and bagong botanteng Pilipino!
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas.
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
it took us 2 hrs to vote..good thing our precinct has a good process..but still...grrr..it could be better if people are diciplined enough to follow simple instruction like falling in line instead of getting in between lines which causes commotion! Plus it's too damn hot!
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