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Thread: Hung Parliament: So what do you all think?

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    Hung Parliament: So what do you all think?

    Personally, I like the idea. I think no matter who won this election, taxes will rise and some pretty serious cuts to the budget need to be made..

    But I like how The Conservatives will have a mandate but with a Lib Dem seal of approval. So no crazy stuff!! (Assuming they don't cut a deal with Labour)

  2. #2
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    Can't trust the lib dems...

    Whoever gets them to help prop the gov up, will eventually get stabbed in the back sooner or later...

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think it'll be better for the country.... they'll spend so much time fighting amongst themselves, they won't have time to bring out any new laws to screw up the country even more
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    done wonders for sterling
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no Tory majority, i can see them having trouble passing some new laws

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    no Tory majority, i can see them having trouble passing some new laws
    Hmm ... may be no bad thing!

  7. #7
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    Minority Government / Coalition Government, done wonders for Italy .......

    61 since 1948 !!!!!!!!

    And what a world leader that Italy has become !!!!!!!

    I really want UK to follow that example !!!!!!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Minority Government / Coalition Government, done wonders for Italy .......

    61 since 1948 !!!!!!!!

    And what a world leader that Italy has become !!!!!!!

    I really want UK to follow that example !!!!!!!

    We expel illegal immigrants back to where they came from.
    We fine people wearing burkas within public buildings...
    We don't bail people out of jail so they can reoffend while waiting for trials.
    Our police ain't afraid of shooting first and asking questions later.
    Our criminals on life terms, usually die in jail...

    And to be fair, our judiciary isn't afraid to indict 20 odd CIA agents and a couple of italian counterparts and issue arrest warrants, for kidnapping a couple of suspected alleged terrorists.

    Our weather is better...
    Our food is better.
    Our PM is a known crook, and most of the population is happy with it, as the devil you know.... blah, blah, blah....

  9. #9
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    Aromulus, Sorry mate I was not having a go at Italy but trying to make the point that a strong government inspires confidence in a country.

    On a general point though, as you say Italy seem able to do what their population want, Spain (where I live) also do, but why is it that if UK tried to do the things which you quite rightly say Italy does, they would end up in the European Court of Human Rights and have to back track ?

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    We expel illegal immigrants back to where they came from.
    We fine people wearing burkas within public buildings...
    We don't bail people out of jail so they can reoffend while waiting for trials.
    Our police ain't afraid of shooting first and asking questions later.
    Our criminals on life terms, usually die in jail...

    And to be fair, our judiciary isn't afraid to indict 20 odd CIA agents and a couple of italian counterparts and issue arrest warrants, for kidnapping a couple of suspected alleged terrorists.

    Our weather is better...
    Our food is better.
    Our PM is a known crook, and most of the population is happy with it, as the devil you know.... blah, blah, blah....

    and the pizza`s there are almost as good as pizza hut.

  11. #11
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    and the pizza`s there are almost as good as pizza hut.

  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    As long as the tories don't have the unfettered power to govern for the benefit of the few and throw the baby out with the bath water, as they would like to with regard to public services, I'm surprisingly chilled about it really.

    I don't think it will happen though, I think that Clegg is just going through the motions and that the majority of lib dem MP's, activists and supporters will be totally against the whole idea. I think it's far more likely that, after toying with the tories for a while, (just to placate the tory press a little) he'll give Gordon Brown a call and get things moving.

    I do worry about old Dedworth though...... If I'm right and Clegg does call Gordon, this could really push him over the edge.

  13. #13
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

    We expel illegal immigrants back to where they came from.
    We fine people wearing burkas within public buildings...
    We don't bail people out of jail so they can reoffend while waiting for trials.
    Our police ain't afraid of shooting first and asking questions later.
    Our criminals on life terms, usually die in jail...

    And to be fair, our judiciary isn't afraid to indict 20 odd CIA agents and a couple of italian counterparts and issue arrest warrants, for kidnapping a couple of suspected alleged terrorists.

    Our weather is better...
    Our food is better.
    Our PM is a known crook, and most of the population is happy with it, as the devil you know.... blah, blah, blah....

    But wales is still better

    PS ilegal immigrants they dont expel them all tousands of TNT's in Italy. When we have been in the Wife and I bumped into a fair few who were not Phill but because they saw a Phill and a Brit thought we were safe to approach to ask directions and whatnot
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post

    We expel illegal immigrants back to where they came from.
    We fine people wearing burkas within public buildings...
    We don't bail people out of jail so they can reoffend while waiting for trials.
    Our police ain't afraid of shooting first and asking questions later.
    Our criminals on life terms, usually die in jail...

    And to be fair, our judiciary isn't afraid to indict 20 odd CIA agents and a couple of italian counterparts and issue arrest warrants, for kidnapping a couple of suspected alleged terrorists.

    Our weather is better...
    Our food is better.
    Our PM is a known crook, and most of the population is happy with it, as the devil you know.... blah, blah, blah....

    But not good enough to live there?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    But not good enough to live there?
    I would have gone years ago if it hadn't been for a clingy, possessive and manipulative, now, ex wife....

  16. #16
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    Sort it out, not good for the pound

  17. #17
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    I have a strong feeling that neither the Tories or Labour really want to be in power right now, as the actions needed in the next 2 years will make who-ever is in power very unpopular. It would be better to be in opposition telling us that they are not responsible and would do it better. So we might see them proposing to dance with the LibDems but with no real intention of doing so. I believe that is especially true of the Tories who I think will play such hardball over PR that the LibDems will turn to Labour, who might find it harder to refuse. The next parliament will only last a year or two and after that who-ever loses now can expect a full 5 year term. I want to see PR introduced but not at the cost of another 2 years of labour nonsense and a failure to get to grips with the overspend in the public sector. This was a really bad result. It might have been what the public voted for, but was not what they wanted.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    I have a strong feeling that neither the Tories or Labour really want to be in power right now, as the actions needed in the next 2 years will make who-ever is in power very unpopular. It would be better to be in opposition telling us that they are not responsible and would do it better. So we might see them proposing to dance with the LibDems but with no real intention of doing so. I believe that is especially true of the Tories who I think will play such hardball over PR that the LibDems will turn to Labour, who might find it harder to refuse. The next parliament will only last a year or two and after that who-ever loses now can expect a full 5 year term. I want to see PR introduced but not at the cost of another 2 years of labour nonsense and a failure to get to grips with the overspend in the public sector. This was a really bad result. It might have been what the public voted for, but was not what they wanted.
    The majority of votes cast, labour and lib dem combined 52% as opposed to the tories 36%, show that most people don't want a Cameron government. This shows that the majority of voters are more in tune with a combination of labour and lib dem policies, so why shouldn't it be what they want?

    As I said in an earlier post, even after Ashcroft spent £5m to get tory voters from all over the country registered for postal votes in all of the key marginal seats, a very unpopular prime minister, a recession, an economic crisis, an overwhelmingly tory supporting press (plus Sky News of course), Cameron still couldn't get an overall majority or a majority of the votes cast.

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    A LibDem and Labour coalition will not work, end of, Labour knows that, so does Clegg. The numbers just don't add up.

    Here in the real world, whats most likely is a LibDem and Cons coalition.

    Nice to see (NOT) everyone is giving absolute priority to our electoral system, rather than the elephant in the room that is the economy. Proves my point that the British are more concerned about being right above everything else. We need to sort out the economy, and what do we have? Some nihilistic desire to change the voting system.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    A LibDem and Labour coalition will not work, end of, Labour knows that, so does Clegg. The numbers just don't add up.

    Here in the real world, whats most likely is a LibDem and Cons coalition.

    Nice to see (NOT) everyone is giving absolute priority to our electoral system, rather than the elephant in the room that is the economy. Proves my point that the British are more concerned about being right above everything else. We need to sort out the economy, and what do we have? Some nihilistic desire to change the voting system.
    It would with all of the minor parties onboard and PR would be as much in they're interest as it would be for the lib dems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    It would with all of the minor parties onboard and PR would be as much in they're interest as it would be for the lib dems.
    I think PR is pretty much the big issue as far as the Lib Dems are concerned, and if they get it written into law it would boost their seats in the House of Commons (in later elections). As far as I can tell, the only people against PR are the people who hold the power with our current system.

    And it is pretty funny that the Murdoch papers and the Daily Mail seem to think that 36.1% of the votes cast gives the Tories the absolute right to run this country... Sorry to disagree, but that just means a little more than a third who voted want David Cameron and all his policies. I think PR is far more sensible and fair!

    And now that there has to be compromises done to form a functional Government, I think in the long term this is a good thing.

  22. #22
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    "The majority of votes cast, labour and lib dem combined 52% as opposed to the tories 36%, show that most people don't want a Cameron government. This shows that the majority of voters are more in tune with a combination of labour and lib dem policies, so why shouldn't it be what they want?

    As I said in an earlier post, even after Ashcroft spent £5m to get tory voters from all over the country registered for postal votes in all of the key marginal seats, a very unpopular prime minister, a recession, an economic crisis, an overwhelmingly tory supporting press (plus Sky News of course), Cameron still couldn't get an overall majority or a majority of the votes cast."

    This argument only holds up if we have PR, and we don't yet. You could say the same thing about every government in my lifetime as it will pretty much always be true under our current system. The politicians will use such arguments when it suits them to try to score points but they really have no bearing on the current situation.
    To suggest that every person voting LibDem would automatically prefer to transfer their vote to Labour if their candidate was not the first choice, which is what this argument implies, is clearly incorrect. I voted LibDem, but my second choice would have been Tory and I would rather have spoiled my vote than have it transferred to labour who I think have no answer to the crisis engulfing us and are dependent upon the public sector unions for their financing and therefore unable to take the steps desperately needed to reduce the size of the public sector. If labour retain power then our problems will get much worse.

  23. #23
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    Well said David

  24. #24
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    I think that the best choice might be for the Conservatives to form a minority Gov. This will mean that any vote they wish to get through will have to meet the agreement of others,. This should provide a balanced system.

    Of course most of government does not involve votes in the House so its not such a big problem.

  25. #25
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    my friends son who is only about 10 asked me what a hung parliament is.... i then replied it is where you line up all th politicians in westminster bridge and hang them all
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  26. #26
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    my friends son who is only about 10 asked me what a hung parliament is.... i then replied it is where you line up all th politicians in westminster bridge and hang them all
    Not such a bad ... the thought HAD crossed MY mind, too ... especially the expenses fraudsters!!

  27. #27
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I read tonight that Cameron has offered the Lib Dems 4 key cabinet posts in return for their support, and one of the posts is Home Secretary.
    Well my view is that I would rather see an immediate re run of the election than have a Liberal home secretary, k knows what that will lead to.

  28. #28
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    a Liberal home secretary, k knows what that will lead to.
    ... a more ... ... "liberal" approach to Brits having the RIGHT to bring their LAWFULLY-WEDDED spouses to the UK, perhaps?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... a more ... ... "liberal" approach to Brits having the RIGHT to bring their LAWFULLY-WEDDED spouses to the UK, perhaps?
    No they have`nt mentioned that, just proposals to set up more quango`s, and they want to cut the prison population by sending less people to prison so removing the deterrent. Also the amnesty on Illegals already here.

    I do`nt know why its difficult for Brits to bring their wives here, I never had the problem, only in trying to bring relatives here on a visit. It could be all the abuse of the system by the African and Asian continents thats led to those problems. If the borders were properly controlled it could become easier to bring wives here, instead of everyone being viewed as suspicious.

  30. #30
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    Give them a chance, after all they get paid by taxpayers.

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