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Thread: I need helpful advice

  1. #1
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    I need helpful advice

    I'm a civil engineer and wanting to come to uk to look for a job, my aunt can sponsor me and provide accomodation, I intend to look for possible employer but wonder whether is it possible or advisable under visit pass, bec applying thru internet never get reply, they want to personally meet the person upon talking to them, i'm aware that my qualification has to be accredited under uk to enable me to practice my profession, but cad technician job will do for me as a start up since i saw a lot of opportunities on this field.

    I wonder if my plan is workable. Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    You would need to check the ukvisa site but im sure you can if you do have an interview, apply for a visa specfically for the interview.

    Im sure i saw this info when reading up for my wifes visa, on the uk visa site.

    You could also apply for a tourist visa i guess and apply for jobs while in the UK, but would then have to explain you need to return to the phill to apply for the work visa.
    A vistor visa is not the easiest thing to gain, age, marital status, employment and money in the bank seems to play a big role.

  3. #3
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Under tourist visa it does not allow you to work coz if you then they will send you back home yes u can work under pressure(illegally)which is in high risk!when they caught you you will be black listed?
    and also thats why BRITISH EMBASSY is so strict in approving visit visa because of this....getting a visit visa then work then hide away....
    so you can't blame them...and also yes it is better to get a working visa but of course you have to have an employer first thing first...and you have already a compay to work in UK...hmmmmm....this is my opinion as what i know and read about visas....hmmmm....but for sure you can get a visa try and try searching online and read more about visas....sure you get right info!
    it is settlement visa which is most discussed in this forum
    Filipina a born survivor!

  4. #4
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    i have done my homework about visa thing online, also read about HSMP program but i dont have enough points to qualify, i dont intend to work under visit visa but just to look around for possible employer and exit again until issued a work permit visa coz i believe this is the fastest way to get employed in the UK by personally searching the opportunities instead of online job application which they dont bother to entertain you if you are not around, i wonder whether it would be a wise idea coz i have to invest, presuming that i got this visit visa, i also wonder whether it is difficult to get a work permit visa if i've found employer.

    Thanks for your further reply.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    A question for you if you dont mind..
    What process will you need to go through in order to get your qualifications "accredited" in the U.K??
    My son,although British will be studying civil engineering in the R.P.
    He will try to get into DLSU if he proves bright enough! Are the requirements the same in the U.S?

  6. #6
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    A question for you if you dont mind..
    What process will you need to go through in order to get your qualifications "accredited" in the U.K??
    My son,although British will be studying civil engineering in the R.P.
    He will try to get into DLSU if he proves bright enough! Are the requirements the same in the U.S?
    DLSU is my Alma Mater i just dont know the requirements for a foreign student...
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You do not say which country you are in! Wales? France? Lebanon? Philippines?

    You CANNOT work on a tourist visa, and your chances of getting one anyway is 10%.

    You CANNOT get a work visa unless you have the points required, an employer already in the UK, and the relevant standard of UK qualifications.

    If you are from the Phil, there is probably less than a 1% chance of getting here to work now, as 99.9% preference has to be given to EU nationals.
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    DLSU is my Alma Mater i just dont know the requirements for a foreign student...

    Alma Mater ?

  9. #9
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    Fred, DLSU i guess is recognised by UK standard including other top universities such as UP, Ateneo, Mapua, UST, unfortunately i am not from one of these, thats why i needed to be accredited by NARIC in order for me to practice my profession in the UK, but i only intend to find a job as CAD Technician which has the same pay rate as an engineers job and the rates are good, im from the Phils but currently based herein Brunei for more than 4 years already, i am working in an Australian owned consulting firm, i just intend to settle in the Uk and want to know my chances.

    I have several relatives who can accomodate me anyway, i am just concern about finding the employer, i am aware of this EU nationals thats why i needed your advices.

    Thanks again.

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pj_mik View Post
    Fred, DLSU i guess is recognised by UK standard including other top universities such as UP, Ateneo, Mapua, UST, unfortunately i am not from one of these, thats why i needed to be accredited by NARIC in order for me to practice my profession in the UK, but i only intend to find a job as CAD Technician which has the same pay rate as an engineers job and the rates are good, im from the Phils but currently based herein Brunei for more than 4 years already, i am working in an Australian owned consulting firm, i just intend to settle in the Uk and want to know my chances.

    I have several relatives who can accomodate me anyway, i am just concern about finding the employer, i am aware of this EU nationals thats why i needed your advices.

    Thanks again.
    Never give up if your a professional who has worked abroad and has some savings. You must have a slighty better chance than most phill applicants for a vistor visa to the UK.

    If you can get vistor visa nothing to stop you applying for jobs while on holday surely? As long as you do not work for the company which is agaisnt the condtions of the visa.

    The UK needs cvill engineers many of the ones i have come across are from abroad and not all from EU countries, (although they were mainly aussies, new zealanders or south african so may have british passports due to grandparents etc).

    Good luck

  11. #11
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Alma Mater

    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Alma Mater ?

    -its a school from where a person has graduated

    -an elementary school/ a high school/ a college/ a university a person has attended

    Ref: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  12. #12
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    A question for you if you dont mind..
    What process will you need to go through in order to get your qualifications "accredited" in the U.K??
    My son,although British will be studying civil engineering in the R.P.
    He will try to get into DLSU if he proves bright enough! Are the requirements the same in the U.S?
    Im trying to attach here The Requirements for fresh applicants... but i cant
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

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