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Thread: Now engaged, yippie!!!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member LastViking's Avatar
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    Now engaged, yippie!!!!

    Hi everyone,

    Just returned from my extended stay in Manila and at last meeting my lovely Maristela. I arrived on 10 April intending to stay until 22 April but with the volcanic eruption, stayed until 10th May.

    My first trip but it was wonderful. Met my girl and her family at the airport and have been in a new world ever since. So much so that on 14th April I asked her to marry me and she agreed.

    The extended stay was great because I left the hotel on 22nd and stayed with her at her home for the remaining time so I was able to get more involved in her hectic life. Also attended some of the TV shoots with her son Martin and that in itself was an eye opener. These child actors are expected to work sometimes nearly 24 hours on shoots and yet they seem to just lap it up.

    Although the temperature in this time reached 47 degrees I was very surprised that I was able to cope. Agreed I did not spend extensive time outside, but still did not collapse as I thought I might. The attention and care that Maristela gave to me probably contributed most to that. I was glad though that we hired a car and driver as traffic in Manila was a thing to behold.

    We visited Villa Escudero, Hidden Valley, Ocean World and of course Rizal Park and Intramuros. Although really the trip was to get to know each other better and to confirm the feelings that we had before my visit. We also had some lovely meals and I was pleased that I tried all of the different foods available and enjoyed them. Had a great meal at the 'top of the citi' restaurant in Makati.

    We are now planning to marry in October in Manila so I am looking for any advice and guidance from you good people. First about marrying in the Philippines and second about the chance of obtaining a spouse visa at the same time so that Maristela can return to the UK with me after the wedding. we are just planning for a relatively small wedding, perhaps 50 people, so any suggestions for an intimate wedding venue would be appreciated.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LastViking View Post
    We are now planning to marry in October in Manila so I am looking for any advice and guidance from you good people. we are just planning for a relatively small wedding, perhaps 50 people, so any suggestions for an intimate wedding venue would be appreciated.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
    Woow Congratulations!!!

    I would suggest Tagaytay for a wedding/reception.. the view is spectacular,with taal volcano as a backdrop,refreshing smell of grass,cool climate and food choices range from eastern and western cuisines
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    yes, it can be a new world for the first time, a change in culture and weather together with the excitment of meeting ur gf and family.

    congrats to the both of you!!!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LastViking View Post
    we are just planning for a relatively small wedding, perhaps 50 people, so any suggestions for an intimate wedding venue would be appreciated.
    Congratulation LV, the only advice I can give you is that you better make sure that your fiancee and her family keep your wedding plans secret....... 50 can very easily become 150 in Phils, whether you've catered for 150 or not.

  5. #5
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LastViking View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Just returned from my extended stay in Manila and at last meeting my lovely Maristela. I arrived on 10 April intending to stay until 22 April but with the volcanic eruption, stayed until 10th May.

    My first trip but it was wonderful. Met my girl and her family at the airport and have been in a new world ever since. So much so that on 14th April I asked her to marry me and she agreed.

    The extended stay was great because I left the hotel on 22nd and stayed with her at her home for the remaining time so I was able to get more involved in her hectic life. Also attended some of the TV shoots with her son Martin and that in itself was an eye opener. These child actors are expected to work sometimes nearly 24 hours on shoots and yet they seem to just lap it up.

    Although the temperature in this time reached 47 degrees I was very surprised that I was able to cope. Agreed I did not spend extensive time outside, but still did not collapse as I thought I might. The attention and care that Maristela gave to me probably contributed most to that. I was glad though that we hired a car and driver as traffic in Manila was a thing to behold.

    We visited Villa Escudero, Hidden Valley, Ocean World and of course Rizal Park and Intramuros. Although really the trip was to get to know each other better and to confirm the feelings that we had before my visit. We also had some lovely meals and I was pleased that I tried all of the different foods available and enjoyed them. Had a great meal at the 'top of the citi' restaurant in Makati.

    We are now planning to marry in October in Manila so I am looking for any advice and guidance from you good people. First about marrying in the Philippines and second about the chance of obtaining a spouse visa at the same time so that Maristela can return to the UK with me after the wedding. we are just planning for a relatively small wedding, perhaps 50 people, so any suggestions for an intimate wedding venue would be appreciated.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
    I imagine that as far as YOU and Maristela were concerned, the volcanic ash scare turned out to be a "blessing in disguise" ... since it gave you both more opportunity to get to know one another even better, "cement" your relationship - and disperse the other "cloud" on the horizon, i.e., that of your originally-intended departure date. So all in all, everything worked to your mutual advantage - in that, you were able to spend [unexpected] extra time together, and become engaged!

    I'm truly happy for the pair of you. My wife and I were married in the Phils (in December 2008) and I believe it was a very wise move on our part, as the advantages are twofold:

    1. The cost of a wedding - with *all the trimmings (if you want *these) is a helluva lot cheaper than the comparable price in the UK ... and

    2. The charge entailed for a spousal visa is exactly the same as that for the fiance(e) visa ... and requests for either must be submitted in the applicant's home country - in Maristela's case to the British Embassy in Manila. Waiting periods in EACH instance are similar too ... couples are usually told to allow up to three months - on average - for processing, although times CAN - and DO - vary according to individuals' circumstances and the workloads of Entry Clearance Officials.

    YOUR choice, therefore (like ours) ... makes perfect sense for the two reasons indicated:- less expense for the wedding and - more importantly - you will incur only ONE set of hefty visa fees, as accordingly, your [by then] wife will be able to skip forking-out the same amount AGAIN for Further Leave to Remain (FLR) once she's here and, 27 months later, will become eligible for ILR/Permanent Residence. And THEN (if she so wishes) after 3 years in total - British Citizenship.

    My apologies for the somewhat lengthy foregoing screed. But I hope it proves helpful to you and your fiancee. Congratulations to you both on your engagement!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member LastViking's Avatar
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    Thanks Arthur, as usual a very helpful and thoughtful response.

    We have a lot of planning to do, but I see that you said that the waiting period for a visa is up to three months. It therefore seems unlikely that we will be able to apply at the same time as the wedding with any prospect of Maristela returning with me. So another thought, what if she comes back with me on a tourist visa, can she then apply for leave to stay as my wife once she is here?

    Sorry for the further questions, but as you can guess, now I have found her, I want us to be together as quickly as possible.


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