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Thread: Civil Wedding Requirements

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Civil Wedding Requirements

    I know that this question must have been asked ad nauseam but just to be on the safe side, and not having too much time to search the archives.

    What are exactly the legal requirements for a civil wedding???

    I have now..

    Birth certificate
    Decree Nisi
    Decree Absolute
    Certificate of no Impediment

    Have I forgotten anything?

    I am asking because Jet keeps going on about The Matrimonial Tribunal, and I keep telling her that in a Civil wedding Ceremony this is not required (from what I read).

    I am leaving for Cebu on February 3rd, and i just managed to get The No Impediment gizmo out of the way today, and at the last minute I also managed to get someone to officially translate into english. I will be ready wednesday morning.

    But This Matrimonial tribunal thingy keeps bugging me...

    Anyone out there willing to appease my fears??

  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    I think u got everything..... so go go go! dont forget the bride... hehehe Best wishes
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  3. #3
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    We had a civil wedding too. I have a link that could help u, hope Mr Admin will allow me to post it
    Faith makes all things possible.
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  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Jet keeps going on about The Matrimonial Tribunal
    Does she mean the pre-marital seminar?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Does she mean the pre-marital seminar?

    No, it is something entirely different. Apparently one of the "requirements" for a Church ceremony is... If divorced...

    Declaration of Freedom to Marry from Catholic Matrimonial Tribunal & Annulment ( from the Chancery of the State where one sides).

    After a long search, I got in touch with the Head Priest in charge of this circus and I was told in no uncertain terms that the investigation into my divorce would go on for months. And also it would be kind of expensive, but very diplomatically he called it a "donation".... I don't dare mention the ball-park figure he came out with, as other members here, might think that I am talking out of my .

    To get over this hurdle, we decided on a civil ceremony instead... Less hassle... Eventually in future, we will have a church ceremony, with all the trimmings. But for now we are happy with the civil.
    I will be leaving on saturday 3rd, 10 am from Manchester. ETA is 1.45 pm sunday. I just don't feel like working the next couple of days.... But I guess my bank manager will have a different opinion on the matter...

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    wow, hope it goes well for you and good luck. Manchester my home town , hmm civil one can be just as good as a church, my wife wanted to get married in a church, sorry canrt remember where, but her brother just got married weeks b4 us, and his mom organised some of it, and managed to orgranise our wedding, we got married at the Asturias Hotel
    ,Puerto Princesa city on Palawan, the hotel built a walk way on the swimming pool. surrounded it with flowers, and as it was in the evening, guests filled the swimming pool with floating candles. we had a judge, and the president of palawan state uni as witnesses ( all friends of my mother in law). then a reciption and a meal for about 30+ people, and a group singing my wifes fav songs, whata night, and the cost of the wedding was about £1500 !! , not counting the hotel, we had 2 rooms within feet from the pool for 5 days, think that cost £300-ish... , so i think if i count everything, flights, wedding, cake, flowers,etc cost maybe £3000... would not like to think what it cost here !!!

    have a great time...

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