I know that this question must have been asked ad nauseam but just to be on the safe side, and not having too much time to search the archives.

What are exactly the legal requirements for a civil wedding???

I have now..

Birth certificate
Decree Nisi
Decree Absolute
Certificate of no Impediment

Have I forgotten anything?

I am asking because Jet keeps going on about The Matrimonial Tribunal, and I keep telling her that in a Civil wedding Ceremony this is not required (from what I read).

I am leaving for Cebu on February 3rd, and i just managed to get The No Impediment gizmo out of the way today, and at the last minute I also managed to get someone to officially translate into english. I will be ready wednesday morning.

But This Matrimonial tribunal thingy keeps bugging me...

Anyone out there willing to appease my fears??