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Thread: vacation visa??? or something different?

  1. #1
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    vacation visa??? or something different?

    hello i just joined!

    heres a quick background to put you in the frame....

    i met my gf 11 months ago and we are very happy together although long distance relationships can be tough sometimes.
    We are both 23 and my gf has 1 daughter (age 3) from a previous relationship but they were never married.

    I was going to go visit jenny in the philippines but since jenny has never been abroad or had a big vacation i thought it would be more fun and exciting for her if she came to visit me first in the uk.
    So i looked into the process and got a vaf1 form for vacations.

    my gf had no passport when i met her but she now has one one hurdle out the way.

    i was told buy a friend that the application would likely be rejected and i would be better to go for a fiance visa? but we just want to meet really we are not at that stage yet. what is your adivce???

    any help is greatfully recieved. thanks

    i am aware i need to provide:

    a letter of invite,
    copy of my passport x2,
    birth certificate,
    6 months bank statments,
    6 months wage slips,
    employment certificate - postion salary, no of days leave allowed and dates specified ar ok with my boss to take.
    letter of sponsor - explaining why the visit is happening, our relationship, and why jenny is visiting at the given time.
    and a letter regarding the accomodation provided and that it is all free ot her.

    and i think jenny needs to provide:

    valid passport
    photo (same as passport style)
    VAF 1 Oct 2006 form fully completed,
    and the appropriate fee.

    im i right or have i missed anything?

    i dont want to mess things up for her as she is all excited about meeting me in person and having a good vacation here.

    essay over!
    thank you/salamat if you made it this far!!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    not wishing to put a downer on things but.. I would guess you would be very unlikely to get the visa.

    It's probably a better plan to go & visit her a few times before a visa of any sort is applied for.. but no harm in trying i guess

  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    This is more likely happened as what Brian had encounter to her gf when they applied tourist visa.

    here's the story:

    It takes time in all, visit her few times and gather all the evidences you may have.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    if you think its better for jenny to come in england and meet you there big problem...yes you can apply for a visit visa but we believe only refusal...becoz she needs to provide some wealth that she can support her visit in england to meet you...which i believe she you say you do not agree in getting her a fiancee for you believe you are not on that stage it can't help...because you really have to meet her up in the philippines before you can even apply for will be ask in the application that have you ever meet your partner?.....there's no way for now for you two meet becoz you can't yet....and it will be so difficult for her to even try it as advice is go travel and see her if you really want to meet her.......then if you do.....there will be more good advices around for you here on your next step.....
    Filipina a born survivor!

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    you mean she need to apply a tourist visa that what i had before my first visited in UK i think you need aswell a house statement,yearly income tax,and invitation letter from you,show money

  6. #6
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    okay thanks!

    jennys going to be abit disapointed when i tell her on monday. (she is at her parents just now).

    looks like im off to the KLM website again!!!

    thanks its appreciated! and good to know there is a wealth of knowlege on hand.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    hmmm tourist visa , has anyone on here ever been refused? iam going to moan again, as i did last time about the libyan guy at work, who got married, got a spouse visa and she was in the UK , all done in less than 3 wks !! left 27dec, back in uk b4 the 20th of jan..

    this time iam moaning, a friend at work, his friend has just been travelling around thailand and vietnam for 6 months, and he told me that his friend wanted to bring a girl he meet in vietnam back to the uk, i said 'no chance' of getting a tourist visa, and for a finance visa, he would need to to show payslips etc, his friend didnt have a job, he lives at his dad house, no savings only debt from his travelling, but shes here in the uk, my friend at work has meet herm she only knows a few words of english.. how hes managed it, i will ask my friend at work, what type of visa she has.. but iam shocked that shes here !!!.

    well i better get the FLR we just applied for and ILR i will be applying for in 2 months, or , or IND will need when i call them...

    good luck thou.. just want a fair and even system....

    their slogan makes me laugh 'BUILDING A SAFE, JUST AND TOLERANT SOCIETY'
    when we will be flooded with bulgarians and romanians, who just need ID papers, while my wife of near 5 yrs, needs to apply for visa after visa !!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    this time iam moaning, a friend at work, his friend has just been travelling around thailand and vietnam for 6 months, and he told me that his friend wanted to bring a girl he meet in vietnam back to the uk, i said 'no chance' of getting a tourist visa, and for a finance visa, he would need to to show payslips etc, his friend didnt have a job, he lives at his dad house, no savings only debt from his travelling, but shes here in the uk, my friend at work has meet herm she only knows a few words of english.. how hes managed it, i will ask my friend at work, what type of visa she has.. but iam shocked that shes here !!!.
    So it looks like British Embassy Manila is one of the toughest in the world when it comes to issuing visas, not surprising really considering half the population want to leave the Philipines! Maybe Vietnam British Embassy doesn't face the same workload?

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    its not work load, its an unfair system, it should be equal for all, the same rules that you , me and most others on here abide by. 6 months bank statements, pay slips, evidence of a relationship, place to live, its not rocket sceince for ECO and immigration to tick the boxes is it ?

    just amazes me the 2 times i have said to people at work, na you not get her a visa, for what ever reason, no job, no place to live, no savings, no evidence of a relationship, and I look a when they get it, and 3 months quicker than when my wife of then 2 years got her visa, thats after emailing everybody at the British embassy, saying what the hells going on after waiting near 3 months for an answer. , and providing all the evidence you could think of..

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ust amazes me the 2 times i have said to people at work, na you not get her a visa
    Is this company importing wives?
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nah, fake wives and err massage parlour gals are smuggled in by romianians, not MANCS

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    nah, fake wives and err massage parlour gals are smuggled in by romianians, not MANCS

    I am sure Wayne Rooney will be pleased about that

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I am sure Wayne Rooney will be pleased about that
    Keith - Administrator

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