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Thread: G/F's Tourist Visa refused

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Englishman2010 G/F's Tourist Visa refused 14th May 2010, 21:29
ras66uk [Do not circumvent the swear... 14th May 2010, 21:32
RickyR Oh and for the return... 14th May 2010, 21:47
RickyR I'm sorry to hear that, I'm... 14th May 2010, 21:42
Englishman2010 I provided all of that Ricky,... 14th May 2010, 21:51
gWaPito Hi Englishman2010, so sorry... 23rd May 2010, 19:40
Englishman2010 Thanks for your support. We... 23rd May 2010, 19:48
gWaPito If that is the case, by the... 23rd May 2010, 20:07
joebloggs :NoNo: very limited grounds... 14th May 2010, 23:19
RickyR Yeah, then I would definately... 14th May 2010, 21:57
KeithD 90%+ Of this kind of visa for... 14th May 2010, 23:36
Englishman2010 TBH, I wasn't expecting a... 15th May 2010, 13:49
joebloggs i dont think her having a ... 15th May 2010, 17:46
Englishman2010 I'm going back out there... 16th May 2010, 13:04
joebloggs if you do reapply, this... 16th May 2010, 15:12
Englishman2010 Thanks for the link Joe, I've... 16th May 2010, 17:01
joebloggs your g/f not having a job... 16th May 2010, 17:17
Englishman2010 Thanks Joe 16th May 2010, 17:22
Queenbee joe bloggs is right...I... 23rd May 2010, 13:20
lyka we tried tourist visa but we... 23rd May 2010, 13:41
Englishman2010 Appeal paperwork has been... 24th May 2010, 15:10
Englishman2010 It's been just over a week... 1st June 2010, 20:51
Steve.r I just don't understand the... 1st June 2010, 21:08
Englishman2010 I think it is far harder to... 1st June 2010, 21:20
belfast_dude sorry to hear that news dude. 4th June 2010, 20:57
Englishman2010 It's not the end of the... 4th June 2010, 21:41
alesypalsy I feel for you englishman,... 7th June 2010, 13:08
darren-b You seem to miss my point,... 7th June 2010, 17:29
Englishman2010 Thanks for your support and... 7th June 2010, 20:48
Arthur Little Very well said, mate ... MORE... 15th June 2010, 23:59
Englishman2010 Many thanks Arthur:) I... 16th June 2010, 10:49
keithAngel The other point is that... 16th June 2010, 16:45
Arthur Little :gp: ... they *DO read as... 16th June 2010, 00:24
Englishman2010 Thanks... 17th June 2010, 08:40
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  1. #1
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    G/F's Tourist Visa refused

    My g/f went to VFS today to be told that her Tourist Visa application had been refused on the grounds that the Embassy Immigration Officer didnt think that she would return home at the end of her stay. They said that I had demonstrated adequate funds to pay for her trip and provide for her during her stay, but she didn't provide sufficient economic detail for herself. To summarise, as she hasn't got a job or a bank account the refused her application.
    It was worth a try anyway. I'm a bit pee'd off that a jumped up Embassy Official can make that call without knowing anything about me or my ethics. Like most Brit's I'm against people overstaying their welcome here and against the economic migrant refugees. However, my G/F would be neither, I would ensure she got on a flight back to Manila, and TBH she wouldn't even attempt to overstay.
    Looks like I've got to head back out there for a couple of weeks of sun in August now - so it's not all bad news

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    [Do not circumvent the swear filters - Admin]

  3. #3
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    Oh and for the return tickets, I booked a fully flexible/refundable ticket. Which after the visa was issued I cancelled and rebooked using airmiles.

  4. #4
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    I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure there is a way to resolve the situation. There is a process to appeal.

    The decisions are based on evidence set out in the guidance manuals which are available on the Home Office website. I can say that it is possible to obtain a tourist visa for a filipina girlfriend who isn't currently employed and without providing any evidence of their finances.

    When we applied for hte first one, I submitted a full letter from me explaining our relationship, the situation, my support and our plans whilst in the uk, return tickets (proof should would return), a letter from my employer confirming my employment, copies of my passport and some salary statements. A lot more then they state on the website, but it did work.
    They have a lot of problems with overstayers, and you have to prove to the ECO that your situation won't be that as per their procedures.

  5. #5
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    I provided all of that Ricky, along with 6 months current account statements, savings account statements, mortgage statements, last 3 years P60's. Without going into too much detail, I clearly demonstrated ample liquid resources to fund her stay.
    There is an appeals process within 28 days, I need to look into it and speak to her to see if it's worthwhile.
    It's not the end of the world, I have been nagging her to get a job for the last 6 months anyway. This might be the kick she needs to get off her ass and get a job. If she get's a job and starts to save a little, we might try again in 6 months.
    In the meantime, I will just have to go back over there in August and December.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I provided all of that Ricky, along with 6 months current account statements, savings account statements, mortgage statements, last 3 years P60's. Without going into too much detail, I clearly demonstrated ample liquid resources to fund her stay.
    There is an appeals process within 28 days, I need to look into it and speak to her to see if it's worthwhile.
    It's not the end of the world, I have been nagging her to get a job for the last 6 months anyway. This might be the kick she needs to get off her ass and get a job. If she get's a job and starts to save a little, we might try again in 6 months.
    In the meantime, I will just have to go back over there in August and December.
    Hi Englishman2010, so sorry to hear of your predicament.
    Going by what you have just posted, about providing of proof of funds etc, sounds like you had picked the short straw on eco selection

    Go through the appeal process and God willing you we will both get the correct result.
    Like someone said earlier, there is a problem with over stayers and folks just refusing to go back to there homes, that is all very well for them but, for new applicants, it's very damaging for them and there country.

    I don't think I would blame your Lady because she has no job, she won't be able to save from that 'job' anyway, you work to eat, that's about it, not to have savings as well.

    Many a Tourist visa issued without girl friends having employment.

    Just take time looking through previous threads on this subject, I'm sure it will enlighten you both.

    Good luck to you both

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Hi Englishman2010, so sorry to hear of your predicament.
    Going by what you have just posted, about providing of proof of funds etc, sounds like you had picked the short straw on eco selection

    Go through the appeal process and God willing you we will both get the correct result.

    I don't think I would blame your Lady because she has no job, she won't be able to save from that 'job' anyway, you work to eat, that's about it, not to have savings as well.

    Many a Tourist visa issued without girl friends having employment.

    Just take time looking through previous threads on this subject, I'm sure it will enlighten you both.

    Good luck to you both
    Thanks for your support. We have decided not to appeal this time and I have already booked flights to go back in Aug/Sept and January. We will probably re-apply in August or later in the year.
    Next time we will get a fully cancellable airline ticket so at least we can show that she intends to return. we will also provide more info on her family and give more reasons why she wants to return.
    All's not lost, at least it means that I get out there another couple of times in the next 6 months

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Thanks for your support. We have decided not to appeal this time and I have already booked flights to go back in Aug/Sept and January. We will probably re-apply in August or later in the year.
    Next time we will get a fully cancellable airline ticket so at least we can show that she intends to return. we will also provide more info on her family and give more reasons why she wants to return.
    All's not lost, at least it means that I get out there another couple of times in the next 6 months
    If that is the case, by the time want to apply for a visa again, you may decide to go for a fiance/spouse visa instead.
    A big leap in commitment but, if you are both sure that you will marry in the future then why not.
    You will also save a fortune on reapplying for visa's and the drag of seperations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Thanks for your support. We have decided not to appeal this time and I have already booked flights to go back in Aug/Sept and January. We will probably re-apply in August or later in the year.
    Next time we will get a fully cancellable airline ticket so at least we can show that she intends to return. we will also provide more info on her family and give more reasons why she wants to return.
    All's not lost, at least it means that I get out there another couple of times in the next 6 months
    Unfortunately that doesn't prove anything as she could just cancel that one and book a single.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure there is a way to resolve the situation. There is a process to appeal.
    very limited grounds of appeal as his g/f is not a family member

  11. #11
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    Yeah, then I would definately get an appeal and have it reviewed by the ECM. I agree it sounds like the ECO has been a bit too critical. If necessary, you can PM me and i'll give you my details to show the embassy a comparable situation where the visa was issued.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    90%+ Of this kind of visa for a 'fiancee' fail, not the official figure, but the one we have seen in the real world on here over the last decade.

    The onus is on the girl to prove she has enough funds and reasoning to return to the Phil. If the woman does not have a job, a decent wad in the bank, etc, then the chance of proving this is very slim. It doesn't matter if the guy in the UK is a Billionaire.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
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    TBH, I wasn't expecting a positive answer but felt it was worth trying. I can't see the point appealing at the moment. Will probably leave it another 6 or 9 months. I have been nagging my g/f to get a job for the last 6 months, this might be the incentive she needs to get one now. There's only so much help you can give someone, if they aren't prepared to help themselves they can't expect a great deal.

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i dont think her having a job is the major problem, thou having one would have helped but its a catch 22, if she didn't have a job they can say she has no money or reason to return to the phils, if she did have a job they would question would her employer give her upto 6 months leave, if not then she would no longer have a job.. but many on here got a visit visa without having a job, if your sponsoring her it shouldn't matter that much..

    the reason for the refusal is the classic excuse, they dont believe your g/f will return - you need to show good reasons why she would return..

  15. #15
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    I'm going back out there again in August, and will deceide between now and then whether to re-apply later in the year, but this time with a return ticket bought and more detailed info on why she would return to the Phil's.

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you do reapply, this should give you a basic idea, but the more evidence and info you supply the greater your chances of success

  17. #17
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    Thanks for the link Joe, I've saved that and will incorporate some of that for the next attempt.
    What does suprise me though is that I provided pretty much the same info, far more financial detail proving that I could comfortably support her without it making a dent in my savings and assets. Upon reading the reasons for refusal again, the Immigration officer makes reference to her own economic position. Hopefully if she gets a job and can demonstrate a reason why she would return it will make a difference.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your g/f not having a job shouldn't not matter that much if your fully sponsoring her trip, (thou its used many times for refusal, but like i said before many have got their visa without a job/property or money -so why wasn't your g/f ?)

    do you send your g/f money ?
    if you do, did you state your g/f doesn't need to work because you send her money every month?

    i think the main reason for the refusal is that they don't believe she will go back - the classic excuse and the lack of her own finances is just a secondary excuse.

    reasons to go back is difficult if she has no job or property, but a simple family tree showing most if not all her family are in the phils, a paragraph from you both stating you are aware of the seriousness of her overstaying and you wouldn't want to jeopardise any future visa applications for her or your relationship with her.

  19. #19
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    Thanks Joe

  20. #20
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    joe bloggs is right...I myself have been granted my 2nd tourist visa...As of the moment i dnt have a job bec i wanted to concentrate on my UNI,i dnt have millions in ma bank account too.but i got my 2nd tourist visa.My bf is the one who sponsored my stay so i think i dnt have to show them how much money i have.
    If i have a job,it would be hard to get a leave especially if im new in the company.So maybe thats jst a secondary excuse why she got denied...All i did was follow the rules,gave all the documents needed,Loads of evidences of our relationship,pics of his house along with the house deeds...everything..Then at the day of submission-dress well,appear confident n smile.

  21. #21
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    we tried tourist visa but we failed so we decided to apply fiancee visa then im here now in glasgow with my husband to be.

  22. #22
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    Appeal paperwork has been submitted in the UK today. Will have to see how long it takes now and what the final outcome is.

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    It's been just over a week since I sent the appeal paperwork back by Guaranteed Next Day Delivery, so I called them today to check if they had received it and to find out if it was being processed.

    i was told that there is currently a 3 week backlog to even log cases on to the computer, today they were working on cases received on the 12th or 13th of May

    I asked what the process for an appeal is, and was told:

    When they have logged the appeal, they have 4 weeks to send the appeal paperwork and any further information back to the Embassy for them to reassess the information and reconsider. If they over turn the refusal there is no need to go to tribunal. However, the Embassy have up to 11 weeks to look at the paperwork.
    It will only go to tribunal (with me present as both Representative and Sponsor) if the Embassy still refuse it after they have re-examined the file.

    This is not going to be a quick process, but as it's costing me nothing to appeal theres nothing to lose. The timeframe also works to my advantage because I'm going back to the Phils for 2 weeks in 12 weeks time, so there's no point her coming here before I go out there anyway, and if it takes 3 or 4 months to get a decision, providing it is a yes, she then has 6 months from that date to come here (only problems is it will be autumn/winter then and I wanted her here during the summer).
    Will advise you as and when futher developments happen.

  24. #24
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    I just don't understand the rules People who have a genuine and honest reason for coming here get turned down by someone who probably got out of bed the wrong side that day.
    I also might be looking into getting a visa sometime soon, but it seems like a real mine field.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I just don't understand the rules People who have a genuine and honest reason for coming here get turned down by someone who probably got out of bed the wrong side that day.
    I also might be looking into getting a visa sometime soon, but it seems like a real mine field.
    I think it is far harder to get a Tourist Visa than a Fiancee Visa Steve. If you apply for the latter you will have no problem proving your relationship is real.
    The difficulty with the Tourist Visa is that she has to prove it is her intention to return home. I'm sure we would be fine with a Fiancee Visa, but I'm not quite ready to make that step. We'll see how it goes over the next year or so.

    Good luck with your own plans, and I hope everything is going well for you over there

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I think it is far harder to get a Tourist Visa than a Fiancee Visa
    your right there, becuase the visit visa has been abused so much by some people , the embassy have no optionm but to make it difficult to get and it effects genuine visitors

  27. #27
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    sorry to hear that news dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by belfast_dude View Post
    sorry to hear that news dude.
    It's not the end of the world, a bit of a disappointment, but there's still plenty of time. If the appeal fails we can always try again next year, and if everything goes well, maybe try a Fiancee Visa in the future?

  29. #29
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    I feel for you englishman, Also I am glad you appealed, You are fully entitled to appeal so I fully agree you should and hopefully you shall win!
    I am rather surprised at darrens comments? Why be so nasty, the chap wants his girlfriend to visit him in uk on holiday, he's the one paying and like he says, he paid the £70 already so its not any more money to appeal. I pretty sure hes paid enough tax by the sounds of him,
    anyway i wish you the best of luck and will follow this thread.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    I feel for you englishman, Also I am glad you appealed, You are fully entitled to appeal so I fully agree you should and hopefully you shall win!
    I am rather surprised at darrens comments? Why be so nasty, the chap wants his girlfriend to visit him in uk on holiday, he's the one paying and like he says, he paid the £70 already so its not any more money to appeal. I pretty sure hes paid enough tax by the sounds of him,
    anyway i wish you the best of luck and will follow this thread.
    You seem to miss my point, appeals actually increase the cost of future visas which I presume he will at some point be applying for.

    (I'm actually surprised that you can appeal tourist visas.)

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