My g/f went to VFS today to be told that her Tourist Visa application had been refused on the grounds that the Embassy Immigration Officer didnt think that she would return home at the end of her stay. They said that I had demonstrated adequate funds to pay for her trip and provide for her during her stay, but she didn't provide sufficient economic detail for herself. To summarise, as she hasn't got a job or a bank account the refused her application.
It was worth a try anyway. I'm a bit pee'd off that a jumped up Embassy Official can make that call without knowing anything about me or my ethics. Like most Brit's I'm against people overstaying their welcome here and against the economic migrant refugees. However, my G/F would be neither, I would ensure she got on a flight back to Manila, and TBH she wouldn't even attempt to overstay.
Looks like I've got to head back out there for a couple of weeks of sun in August now - so it's not all bad news