Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
I've just been looking through the Appeals process, and the good news is that the sponsor can attend a UK hearing on the person applying for a visa's behalf. The really good news is that the hearing is in my home town. I've read through the appeal form, and I'm more confident now that it is worth appealing against especially as I can attend.
I'm quite a secretive person and dont want to give too much away publicly about what I do, but I am more than happy to attend a hearing, show them my savings and assets, also show them that I have booked return tickets for myself to the Phil's in Aug/Sept and Dec/Jan. Therefore it seems unlikely that it is my girlfirends intention to overstay her visa or that I would allow it based on me going back there to see her in Dec. I might take a gamble and buy her a ticket for say Oct to Nov or Dec.
Will decide what to do in the next day or so as we only have 18 days left to lodge an appeal.
I dont think you have Full Rights of Appeal, so I think you have little chance of been granted an appeal.