
Hello I havent been on the Forum much lately as I am preparing for my marriage in the Philippines, however, you must inform your British Boyfreind to help you pay for a Legal Anulment.

If you do not do this, you will never be able to live with your boyfreind in the United Kingdom unless of course you come to this country as a key worker, such as a Nurse or as a care giver, if you are a care giver, you may get sponsored to come, however, that is a long shot.

As far as a Legal Anulment is concerned, you can actually "Secure a result" if you have the money, yes about P200,000 to P300,000 will normally get the required peice of paper, its a rich mans law.

Although your British Boyfreind is coming to see you, I have been doing the same for my loved one for over 1 year also, and its not much fun, if you cannot be together, if you apply for a tourist visa, I think you are wasting your time, the British Embassy in Manila, has little or sympathy with issuing such visa's but they will take your money, you have to satisfy them that you have compelling reasons to return, and that is very hard to do.

Its a terrible situation to be in, there arent many options, and dont bother with a fiancee visa, if you lie about being married, they will check with the NSO to see if you have been married previously.

If your marriage shows up, or you lie about it, you will be reported to the Philippine authorities as a matter of course, although if you can make it to UK, you only have to be in the UK for 7 days, to comply with the residency rules here, and your details will be posted for 21 days outside the registry office.

Its unlikely that the UK government will check here to see if you have been married before, but then its hard to see how you will get here.

Dont think this helps, but best wishes to you anyway.