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Thread: Advice about Tourist Visa

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    If you've been 'together' for 2 years you will have plenty of proof of a relationship, this helps visa applications immenseley.

    However, your first course of action is to get a Legal Seperation, otherwise I'd say it is about a 99% chane you'll be refused any visa, as all paperwork must be in order. The problem you would have with a Visitors Visa is that the interviewer will consider it a way to get out of your marriage.

    I know legal sepeartions can be a problem in the Philippines, but they can be done, no need to have your ex shot!!! :blink:

    Even if your single it is difficult to get a visitors visa for a Filipino.

    If your serious with this boyfriend you need to either let him continue to visit you, or if you wish to come to the UK;
    a) Get a legal seperation
    B) Then compile as much proof of your relationship as possible. Airtickets, emails, letters, mobile txt bills, phone bills, etc,
    c) Make sure b/f has proof he can support you.
    d) Apply for a fiancee visa (the UK do check previous marriages in the Philippines)
    e) Come here and marry

    That is the only way of doing it. Do it by the book (all details listed elsewhere on the forum by Pete), and you'll be here in a few months.

    As for you medical condition, the health service in this country is 100% free for anyone, from anywhere, and you'll get excellent treatment (mainly cos the nurses are Filipino ), so that is no worry.

    Maybe someone else will offer more advice, but I'd say go with the above. If your serious, do it all legally and get married, so piddling about.

    Keith & Ping

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  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Hi Mavid,

    A visit visa will be very hard to get - unless you can show you have significant ties to the Philippines to guarantee your return (successful, longstanding business/job, etc). Family ties are often not enough.

    If I understand filipino family law correctly, a legal separation won't actually end your marriage in the Philippines - you'll remain legally married, but the legal separation allows the, well, "legal separation" of your assets, etc - but does not enable you to remarry.

    In which case, you could have a problem getting a fiancee visa, if you are unable to marry legally in the UK (by virtue of your marriage in the Philippines). I could be wrong of course - I don't know if the Embassy will interpret a legal separation as being the same as a divorce/annullment..? Anyone else know any more about that?

    However, what I don't know is if the Embassy will issue a finacee visa on the basis of your assertion that you will seek a divorce in the UK - indeed, I don't even know if that would legally end your marriage in the Philippines (as far as UK law is concerned, which is what would govern your subsequent eligibility to marry).

    It could be that getting a legal separation is all that you need to do to get a fiancee visa (as well as, obviously, the normal onerous requirements on maintenance, accommodation, evidence of relationship, etc, which they somehow expect you to be able to magically stuff into an A4 envelope). If so, as Keith said, best of luck and I'm sure many members on here would be glad to offer titbits of advice, etc.

    I for one would be interested to know whether a legal separation is enough for a fiancee visa. If it's not, your only option, as far as I can see (and I humbly wait to stand corrected if I'm wrong), is to obtain an anullment - a horrid, harsh, costly and time-wasting process in the Philippines, where the biggest cost will no doubt be the corrupt bribe - sorry, "fee", you pay the judge to get the anullment you want (and hope your husband doesn't oppose it with a bigger "fee".

    I wish you the very best of luck in whatever you do - keep us all posted.

    Take care

  3. #3
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Feb 23 2005, 10:44 PM
    Hi Mavid,

    A visit visa will be very hard to get - unless you can show you have significant ties to the Philippines to guarantee your return (successful, longstanding business/job, etc). Family ties are often not enough.

    If I understand filipino family law correctly, a legal separation won't actually end your marriage in the Philippines - you'll remain legally married, but the legal separation allows the, well, "legal separation" of your assets, etc - but does not enable you to remarry.

    In which case, you could have a problem getting a fiancee visa, if you are unable to marry legally in the UK (by virtue of your marriage in the Philippines). I could be wrong of course - I don't know if the Embassy will interpret a legal separation as being the same as a divorce/annullment..? Anyone else know any more about that?

    However, what I don't know is if the Embassy will issue a finacee visa on the basis of your assertion that you will seek a divorce in the UK - indeed, I don't even know if that would legally end your marriage in the Philippines (as far as UK law is concerned, which is what would govern your subsequent eligibility to marry).

    It could be that getting a legal separation is all that you need to do to get a fiancee visa (as well as, obviously, the normal onerous requirements on maintenance, accommodation, evidence of relationship, etc, which they somehow expect you to be able to magically stuff into an A4 envelope). If so, as Keith said, best of luck and I'm sure many members on here would be glad to offer titbits of advice, etc.

    I for one would be interested to know whether a legal separation is enough for a fiancee visa. If it's not, your only option, as far as I can see (and I humbly wait to stand corrected if I'm wrong), is to obtain an anullment - a horrid, harsh, costly and time-wasting process in the Philippines, where the biggest cost will no doubt be the corrupt bribe - sorry, "fee", you pay the judge to get the anullment you want (and hope your husband doesn't oppose it with a bigger "fee".

    I wish you the very best of luck in whatever you do - keep us all posted.

    Take care
    Thank u very much for the quick reply..i really appreciate it.

    Yes, legal separation only means im physically separated but im not entitled to remarry again :( So, even if im legally separated...i still have a slight chance of getting a tourist visa? Besides the fact that i should show significant ties here that would guarantee my return.

    Believe it or not...marrying again is not a priority right now...i honestly just want to visit him and his family. Thats why i really want to know my chances of getting a tourist visa.

    I guess my last option would be to get an annulment (which as many of us know takes ages and cost a lot) i read in a forum, that this days...u can get ur annulment results in couple of months for the amount of 250,000 pesos!! Geesh! My b/f might jst look for a girl near here hehehe!

    Anyways, im still open for any advice u can give....The more the better

    Thanks and God Bless

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