Great thread...was just what i've been looking for after having a brain wave...well, more of ripple than a wave.

My thoughts whent something like this... If Ecxy and I married in philippines and then I returned to UK, seeing as she works full time in a law office and has a young daughter from a previous relationship (not marriage) Could she apply for a 6 month tourist visa to visit me here and then I can also fly back with her.... for another 21 day stay...

being employed and having a daughter...I'm sure that is good enough reason for her to return... after all, it would all go towards building up a firm proof of relationship for her eventual application to live in UK with me.

on this web site...

I found this; If you are visiting family or friends you will need:

a letter from your sponsor (the person you are visiting) explaining your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit.

If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit, or paying for the cost of the visit, you will need:

payslips, bank statements, or some other evidence to show that they have enough money to support you.

I'm sure that by being married to her I would legaly be ''family''...

also this regarding sponsors;

How can my visitor come to the UK?
Your visitor must show that:

they want to visit the UK for no more than six months
they intend to leave the UK at the end of their visit, and
they have enough money to support themselves and live in the UK without working or needing any help from public funds.


There are no hard and fast rules about what documents you should produce when sponsoring a visitor to the UK. You may want to produce evidence of your own immigration status in the UK, and there are some other things you can do, particularly if the visit is for a special reason.

If the visit is for a holiday and you are a relative or a friend, a letter of sponsorship explaining your relationship to the applicant and why the visit is taking place at this particular time may be helpful.
If the visit is for a special family occasion (for example, celebrating a wedding, a birth or an important anniversary), an invitation giving details of the event, when and where it is to take place, and a letter of sponsorship would be helpful. If the person you are sponsoring is not a close relative or is one of several people invited to the occasion, it would be helpful to know why the applicant was chosen to attend.

If you are offering to provide support and accommodation, or to pay for travel to the UK, you must provide evidence of your ability to do so.


not gonna paste it all here.. too much..better if you see it and make your minds up...
seems a bit of a naughty route to go or try...but..

Obvioulsy I would not want to jeopardise any attempt for Ecxy to be with this is all just food for thought...

It all seems **** about face... but as far as I can see, there is nothing to stop anyones wife/husband visiting their husband/wife on a tourist visa...