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Thread: uk tourist visa

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) liammcg's Avatar
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    uk tourist visa


    can someone advise me please

    i would like to bring gf from davao to uk on a tourist visa

    i have proof of my income etc to support her but does she need to show she has bank account in philippines with some funds there to return to.

    i think they want to see reason that she would return to philippines and not overstay her visa
    is that correct?

  2. #2
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Yes, she should provide enough proof that she will return home after the visit. One good proof is a stable work in the Philippines.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    yes, a stable job and a good cash in the bank
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liammcg View Post

    can someone advise me please

    i would like to bring gf from davao to uk on a tourist visa

    i have proof of my income etc to support her but does she need to show she has bank account in philippines with some funds there to return to.

    i think they want to see reason that she would return to philippines and not overstay her visa
    is that correct?
    , again. I should mention the fact that tourist visas aren't easy to come by; however, with the other respondents that if your girlfriend is in a position whereby she can supply proof of having a good, stable job - one that provides her with a reasonable income - to return to, then these factors will make all the difference to the outcome. Good Luck!

  5. #5
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    I think it is a bit of a lottery whether she gets the visa or not. My g/f applied and was refused, despite me providing more than edequate proof of my own financial position. The reason she was refused was that she couldn't provide any evidence of her own economic position (ie, no job and no bank account) and they didn't feel that she could demonstrate a reason to return to the Phil's.
    Not wishing to put you off, as other members on here who are in similar postions to have managed to get their g/f's visas.
    The experience hasn't put us off, and we will probably apply again in another 6 months, but this time try to provide some reasons why she would return and hopefully evidence of income...etc.
    Good luck anyway.

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access) liammcg's Avatar
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    thanks everyone for their advice
    it confirms my opinion of it as a bit of a lottery but can be influenced with good reason to return to philippines.

  7. #7
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    Paragraph 41 :

    To come to the United Kingdom as a general visitor, you must be able to show that:

    ■you are 18 or over;
    ■you only want to visit the United Kingdom for up to six months, or up to 12 months if you are accompanying an academic visitor;
    ■you intend to leave the United Kingdom at the end of your visit;
    ■you have enough money to support and accommodate yourself without working or help from public funds, or you and any dependants will be supported and accommodated by relatives or friends;
    ■you can meet the cost of the return or onward journey; and
    ■you are not in transit to a country outside the common travel area.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Hi LIAM...It's my second time to visit the UK in a tourist visa- sponsored by a resident from the UK which is ma bf.In the first time ive given them records from the university here in Cebu where i was stydying before...Now im taking time off from uni this year since im visiting again my bf this june.If she's sponsored by you,she doesnt really have to show how much money she got from the bank,,,Though i did show them the last time how much money i got in my accnt.In my 2nd application i didnt have to.The most impt thing they have to really check is your finances,recent 6 month bank statements,6 months- wage slips,evidence of accomodation(pics of your house) ,house deeds,pics of ur recent trips together and so forth,,hope it helps...

  9. #9
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    hi queenbee,

    what documents did you submitted to the embassy? I dont have work this time, and i got a friend who also into sponsored tourist visa and was granted, she had no job m but his Bf is had a very good income coz working as an engineer. I want to suggest that to my Bf, but i have doubts...

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