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Thread: Registering with the Doc

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Registering with the Doc

    The other day, myself and Yam popped in to the local doctors to register her with them. After completing the required forms and handing them back, I asked if they wanted proof Yam was a resident. They said no! The forms only asked for her name, address and a few health-related questions.

    Is that how it works in the UK when registering as well?! For those that don't know, the Isle of Man NHS is a seperate entity from the UK one which is why I ask. Seems a bit bizarre! Or should that be stupid!?

  2. #2
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    I guess it depends on the policy of the surgery. My husband registered me and my son with his GP while we were still in PI. He had no problem at all.
    But I read some here they had problems in registering their wives/fiancee.
    So lucky for us, we haven't got any problem with it

  3. #3
    Member DavidArt's Avatar
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    when we register they look for my passport, and they ask my husband to write a letter that i lived with him! so lucky for you guys! hehehehehe

  4. #4
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    I wouldn't have minded so much except for the fact we were all loaded up with passport, proof of address, etc! Never been so prepared to prove ID in my life, only to be left disappointed!

  5. #5
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    We had to show proof of address and husband had his visa photocopied - so always good to go armed with proof of address and settlement - one-day you'llneed it and you won't have it - no rhyme or reason it seems!

  6. #6
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    We had to show proof of address and husband had his visa photocopied - so always good to go armed with proof of address and settlement - one-day you'llneed it and you won't have it - no rhyme or reason it seems!

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i didnt have a prob with my wife and wasnt asked at 2 different doctors, as she as seen them both.

    even thou i told the first gp my wife was on a spouse visa they wasnt bothered, so i didnt bother to tell the second.

    funny that you was so prepared and it wasnt needed
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  8. #8
    Respected Member
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    If the NHS here was in a bad way, I might have got a bit annoyed they didn't ask for proof of residency. But as it stands, we're pretty lucky on the island with our NHS (at least in my experience), so I guess I'll just keep quiet and enjoy the fact we didn't have to jump through hoops for something for a change

  9. #9
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    just registered last last week and had an appointment last wednesday..they didnt ask anything from me...just few history record, urine test, blood pressure, weight and height and my baby's health record book from philippines.

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... it's more than a year ago now, but I seem to recollect first calling the 'NHS 24 Helpline' [as per the procedure here in Scotland] ... then accompanying my wife to the GPs' practice (with whom I've been registered since 1967) presenting her passport to the duty receptionist ... and that was it! All done very quickly - and with the minimum of fuss - I have to say.

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