Hi everyone

This is going to sound strange, but I'm not actually in a relationship with a Filipino - but with a Fijian guy. I've been searching the internet for a while now and have found this forum and just wanted to say how invaluable the advise is

I met my boyfriend whilst I was living in Fiji, and at the time had no idea that it would be so difficult for him to come over for just a simple visit! Before knowing this, we decided we would spend Christmas in the UK together - and he booked his flight which was over £1,000!

Now I am wishing he did not do this! It was not until I got back to the UK and started researching that I realised how difficult it was for him to get over here on this visa.

We are both young.. 21, and 23 so do not yet want to apply for the fiance visa although we are very serious about each other. We would like to do so in the next 4 yrs if we are still together, but right now the Visitors visa really is our only option. If it is refused, will it affect any possible visa we may apply for in the future if our relationship progresses?

I am blown away by the knowledge of some posters on here. Out of interest, what are my chances? Here is some back ground info..

1) He has enough money in the bank to support his 6 week stay in England, I will just be providing him with accomodation - do I still need to sign the sponsor's declaration form even though he is supporting his own travel, food, shopping, etc. Worried if i do this it will go against me they will want to see my bank statements - I will only have £1,500 max saved as I will be a training to be a teacher. I have also only had a summer job and will not have 6 months worth of pay slips to show. My Father owns the house, and I am getting him to write a letter to say that we can stay there rent free, and I will also try and find a housing report to show we have enough space for him.

2) BIGGEST concern by far, and the factor which will probably see his application rejected, is the fact that he has never worked in Fiji. Although he studied, he dropped out the course because he did not like it. Therefore for the past 6 months his mum has been giving him monthly deposits. Therefore he has 'no reason to return' right? He is applying to study in Australia soon, at the time of applying for the UK visa (late oct) he may not have confirmation of his place at uni yet. Even if he does have this, I am pretty sure the Australian Visa to PROVE he the has the right to study there will still be being processed. I heard it can take 2-3 months. AGH. If worse comes to worse and we have no confirmation of his place in time for the visa, I ask.. would correspondance between him and the uni - aka - emails enquiring about the course, proof that he meets the entry requirments, and a copy of the application form - be enough to show intent to return home? I am really worried that they will see a young, unemployed male comign to see his girlfriend and just say NO.

3) He has family in Fiji. Would a family tree help? Surely they are enough reason to return home?

4) He has travelled abroad before - to Australia for 2 weeks. Here he adhered to his vistors visa requirements - a benefit? Could it be worth showing a copy of his Australian stamp in the pass port?

5) He is coming for a REASON. His Brother lives in Southhampton and so do his nephews and nieces that he has not yet met. Also, it is the christmas holidays - a reasonable time to meet up? His trip has also been planned to coincide with my birthday and christmas holidays from university.

SO. What do you think? At a glance there seem to be many positives ie. money and previous itnernational travel - yet I am the fact that he may not be able to prove that he has any sort of job, or course to return to is going to over-ride all of these positives? I would love to here from anyone who has been successful in obtaining a visitors visa - or whose gf/bf has.

Sorry this is so long, and not actually about the philipines, but i hope you understand my desperation here and I cannot afford a solicitor!
