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Thread: Got Fiance Visa - What Next?

  1. #1
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    Red face Got Fiance Visa - What Next?

    I'm happy to report that my lovely fiancee got her Settlement visa yesterday and will shortly begin her Cenomar request . Thanks to everybody on this forum for their help and in the future I will re-pay that by sharing my experience and saying what we did.

    Anyway what else is needed now? I think the ONLY thing left is her CFO, which I found details on here for anybody else who wants to know:

    She has to fill out this registration form too:

    Couple of questions about this.

    Under 'Personal Data' it asks for her Passport and Visa number. Is this for her Phili visa or UK one? Also aren't both numbers the same?

    Also there's another section titled 'PETITIONER', is this for my details? It doesn't make a lot of sense as she is technically the petitioner of the certificate lol.

    Anything else we need after the CFO and Cenomar?

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    I'm happy to report that my lovely fiancee got her Settlement visa yesterday and will shortly begin her Cenomar request . Thanks to everybody on this forum for their help and in the future I will re-pay that by sharing my experience and saying what we did.

    Anyway what else is needed now? I think the ONLY thing left is her CFO, which I found details on here for anybody else who wants to know:

    She has to fill out this registration form too:

    Couple of questions about this.

    Under 'Personal Data' it asks for her Passport and Visa number. Is this for her Phili visa or UK one? Also aren't both numbers the same?

    Also there's another section titled 'PETITIONER', is this for my details? It doesn't make a lot of sense as she is technically the petitioner of the certificate lol.

    Anything else we need after the CFO and Cenomar?
    Not sure about the form filling as neither seen the forms and im sure others on here have

    Sounds like your all done phill side and now its sorting the Britsh side out

  3. #3
    Member complex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post
    I'm happy to report that my lovely fiancee got her Settlement visa yesterday and will shortly begin her Cenomar request . Thanks to everybody on this forum for their help and in the future I will re-pay that by sharing my experience and saying what we did.

    Anyway what else is needed now? I think the ONLY thing left is her CFO, which I found details on here for anybody else who wants to know:

    She has to fill out this registration form too:

    Couple of questions about this.

    Under 'Personal Data' it asks for her Passport and Visa number. Is this for her Phili visa or UK one? Also aren't both numbers the same?

    Also there's another section titled 'PETITIONER', is this for my details? It doesn't make a lot of sense as she is technically the petitioner of the certificate lol.

    Anything else we need after the CFO and Cenomar?
    hello mark just done my cfo seminar today at PRISM, everything went fine, got my sticker at CFO office too. Ur gf needs to have a photocopy of her visa and passport, there's a form to be fill up upstairs. i think theres only one visa, the one that she applied recently.
    And the section titled petitioner, she should put ur name there and other details that they require as u are the one who petitioned for her visa application.
    and make sure she bring water with her as she'll be in the seminar for an hour or more and tell her ur mum's surname when she was still single as they'll hve to ask that too.


  4. #4
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    Thanks rose, very helpful information.

  5. #5
    Member lyka's Avatar
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    better to bring photos of both of u.

  6. #6
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    My fiancee called CFO on (02) 563-1965 or 561-8321 local 103 yesterday and was told the following.

    1. She did not need to reserve a booking as the CFO website claimed and could just drop-in.

    2. Living in Quezon City (Manila) she could drop-in for the Seminar at the good shoper aurora boulevard quezon city.

    Is this correct? The Manila CFO address on their website is very different and she is worried:

    Citigold Center, 1345 Pres. Quirino Avenue
    corner Osmeña Highway (South Superhighway)
    Manila, Philippines 1007

    Further more, one of her government employed aunt's said that she can only attend the seminar "3 days before departure". Is that correct? IT sounds a bit strange because if you miss the CFO then that would cause lots of problems!

    Can anybody help clarify?

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  8. #8
    Member DavidArt's Avatar
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    its ok , either in queszon city or in manila its the same , if shes near to manila then get it in manila if in quezon city go there its the same its also the same i been both quezon city and manila!

  9. #9
    Member lyka's Avatar
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    i agree with david,no problem either quezon city or taft.

  10. #10
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark99 View Post

    Further more, one of her government employed aunt's said that she can only attend the seminar "3 days before departure". Is that correct? IT sounds a bit strange because if you miss the CFO then that would cause lots of problems!

    Can anybody help clarify?

    In my view, since your fiance got her visa she can go anytime and have her guidance counselling and get her certificate,present it to CFO with her passport and visa and they will put a cfo sticker on it
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Mark, I'm assuming your fiancee successfully completed her seminar, was issued with her CFO sticker ... and is, by now, either IN the UK - or en route! Whichever ... belated congratulations on obtaining her visa.

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