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Thread: NHS healthcare

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Smile NHS healthcare

    hey guys, just wanted to start off by saying thanks to all who replied on my threads. been great help!

    my question is, if i live in the philippiens which im going to do soon pretty soon. is there anything that i can do in order to continue gettin healthcare in the UK. if ever i return? i read on one post a guy paid £7 per month in order to continue gettin it. but can find anything about this online. if anyone could help. thanks!

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Denbigh, United Kingdom
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    How many times do they check your past when you go now???

    If you want to pay NI yourself via DD then you can, that way you are also putting towards your pension.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Jun 2006
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    Is this what you are thinking of?

    Won't help you if you are living in the Philippines.

    But NI contributions and NHS are not linked anyway. If you move permanently back to the UK you are legally entitled to NHS services straightaway anyway.

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    Spain since 1988. My wife has been here since June 2006
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    On a simliar point. We live in Spain. My wife gets Spanish National Heath cover because she is my dependant (the UK pay around 4,000 euros a year for her cover and another £4,000 for mine). When I die my wife's cover will only continue for 12 months. After that she is 'on her own!' There is no automatic, non contributory, cover in Spain

    Also, unless she is, I think over 59, as my widow, she will only get a one off payment of about £2,000, and then nothing.

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