They had one recently where they were in Thailand and a few other countries I think with young people. Some of them did very well from memory.
A better example would have been backpack traveller where these young people had to travel across Indonesia and although some of them struggled in the end they got down to it and did very well from what i saw..

I doubt many Brits or now wealthy Phill's on this site would find it easy to find the motivation to literally turn into a robot.
Did i struggle with the very different conditions in Phill? Yes I did and im sure many on here have been in not as luxurious conditions as the Wifes family in phil

Plus as people on here have already mentioned the producers run hundreds of tests and cast loads of applicants looking for those who make good tv.

Just as big brother does not represent the UK and its people from what I have encountered...

For me what would be intresting as well as seeing brits of all backgrounds in the same situation would be 2nd gen and 3rd gen youngsters experiencing what there forebears did. To see how living in the Uk has affected them if at all.

Only four generations ago members of my family were farmers and cooks in household I doubt I could do that.