Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
To develop tourism you need a forward thinking government to put the infrastructure in place.Sadly, its the same old political elite or film stars that get elected to plunder the finances leaving the country to stagnate. Every one of my in laws would leave if they could for one reason only, to earn money, but they all love their country.
They really do deserve better politicians.

What a pity we did`nt get round to colonising the P.I. as almost every country we did has been left with the infrastructure in place to succeed.Could you imagine the P.I. with a railway system, it would be great.

We might be going the same way now with our own corruption as it seems British politics is full of thieves and sexual deviants standards have gone down the pan
Well the Brits were in mnail for three years but before we have invented trains

In the Wifes town is a railway track I have no idea where it goes but does seem odd neither the spainish or yanks at least in the areas around manila and elsewhere didn't have train lines or did they?