hello guys, i have read the post of mari's hubby, and we agree when he says that family's future is in the hand of somebodywhom has no idea of our lives or what sort of people we are..... specially for us who are still waiting, hoping and praying everyday for our visa...
Last night me and hubby are so depress knowing the very slim chance of me giving birth of our first child in UK. He is so hurt that our daughter will be born in a foreign land and so am I!
Oh God, why do we have to undergo so much heart ache of life's challenges when all we wanted is to start our life together..share every day of our life, simple, contented with what life has to offer us, what matter's most is to have our family together not living apart half across the world!
It should be easy for my hubby to move and live here with me instead but the fact that we don't have enough means of living to start with... coz his job is in UK..and me? I will be able to get a job here once i give birth but it wont be enough to support us!
Im praying for God's guidance to make me and my hubby to be strong to face life challenges...I know in my heart that God will find way in his own perfect time... Just praying more patience and strength for my hubby....
Sorry guys for pouring out these sentiments!!! and thanks to this wonderful site
Hope you guys will never get tired of people like us.