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Thread: Just want to help a student

  1. #1
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    Just want to help a student

    I have a friend in London who's holding student visa and married here with a Polish National. They paid huge amount to lawyer for her visa.

    She gave her paper to her solicitor 5 months ago and nothing happened yet.

    I told her what I knew about student visa. I said she needs to go back home and apply for fiance visa if she wants to marry in the UK. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Her student visa ran out and her papers still with her solicitor.

    Anybody can give me advice?
    Is her marriage consider as legal here?

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well they certainly didn't need a lwayer, all they had to do was download the form off the IND site, fill it it, and send it off for the price of a stamp.

    She is now an illegal immigrant and can technically be deported, but more chance of her winning the Lottery .... she needs to discuss it with the IND on the phone, but as she has left it so late she probably will need to go back. If she'd done it herself, they more than likely would have just changed her visa status.

    The solicitor can be reported and a claim made to get the money back.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well they certainly didn't need a lwayer, all they had to do was download the form off the IND site, fill it it, and send it off for the price of a stamp.

    She is now an illegal immigrant and can technically be deported, but more chance of her winning the Lottery .... she needs to discuss it with the IND on the phone, but as she has left it so late she probably will need to go back. If she'd done it herself, they more than likely would have just changed her visa status.

    The solicitor can be reported and a claim made to get the money back.
    Thanks very much boss!
    What if their solicitor did fill up the form for them?
    This is easy for a solicitor to do but why it lasted for 5 months. I will ask her about what her solicitor did for 5 months.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how long has she been married to the polish guy ?
    was it b4 her student visa expired ?
    how long has he been in the uk and is he working ?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    how long has she been married to the polish guy ?
    was it b4 her student visa expired ?
    how long has he been in the uk and is he working ?
    Thank Joe! She's married about a year ago. Her husband is also a student, my friend is staying here for 5 years but she always go back home before her student visa run out. I will let you know about when she applied her visa extention. (?)

  6. #6
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    Update Joe,
    She married 5 months before her visa expiry.
    According to her, all her docs were sent back to her two times because her husband's employment history is not that good as he's working through agency.

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