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Thread: Review : Filipino Restaurant in London

  1. #1
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    Review : Filipino Restaurant in London

    We're currently staying in Earl's Court in London where I was supposed to be doing a course, but the instructor has been held in Holland because of the travel problems.

    Anyway, this area is pretty much home from home for Marvie, with plenty of Filipino Shops and Restaurants.

    Almost opposite the tube station is a restaurant called 'Sunrise' which we've been to a few times, and I would highly recommend it. Not only can you get all the traditional Filipino Foods, but they have a buffet all day every day! They also have San Mig Light and they serve a limited menu of British food which is all really well prepared. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to treat their spouse or if they want to perk up someone that is homesick! :-)

  2. #2
    Member Languish's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tip - will try these places!

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    In London Thank arry
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    I have to say the two ladies who work in there when we have been are really nice and often if you go during the day when quieter, the whole resturant has one big conversation which is real nice.

    The resturant next door is also nice but with seats on different floors so sometimes easier to just sit and chat with your table if you want..

    Also the PNB is directly opposite the sunrise resturant..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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