Having been born in Glasgow ... but spent the past forty-two and a half years as a Perth resident, I can well-understand your affinity with the aptly-named 'Fair City'! As you're most probably aware, the town is often referred to, as being the "Gateway to the Highlands" ... although its central location - together with excellent road & rail links [and you seem to remember a great deal about the latter, even if the age of the steam train has long-since passed into history!] - makes it an ideally-placed touring base, providing easy access to the whole of Scotland.

I share your enthusiasm for piano-accordion music ... and "mourn" the demise of the Traditional Scottish New Year Celebrations featuring the likes of Jimmy Shand, Andy Stewart and the White Heather Club, &c. Those were the days ... sadly, long-gone too ... never to be repeated! Now, it's all tuneless

Your post is to be commended ... not least, for affording an the opportunity to wallow in nostalgia!