Well, definately not your "humour"... and yes, I'm aware of your posts, your "history", which makes the comment you made even more onerous, and pathetic.

Like many on here, I've also supported my wife to the best of my ability, putting my interests second to hers, and also proud of her achievements.... so please do not make yourself out to be some sort of martyr. We've all made sacrifices in our own particular way.

This thread was about pensions, and voluntary NI contributions.
I merely stated that there were other options available, and that these should be explored.

.. you, in your wisdom, decided that the Government pension was the be-all and end-all.
From www.sharingpensions.co.uk/statepen.htm
"Since the introduction of the state basic pension the value of this benefit has reduced in real terms and will continue to do so in the future as annual increases are not keeping up with the growth in earnings or even the retail price index (RPI). To supplement the basic pension the government introduced the state earnings related pension scheme (SERPS) as an additional pension, this being replaced by the state second pension (S2P).

With SERPS it was in most individuals interest to opt for contracting out and direct the money to private pensions."

Your "advice" was both mis-informed and incorrect.

Live with it ... and lets move on.