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Thread: passport in 1 day????????

  1. #1
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    Question passport in 1 day????????

    hi there as you all know im in appeal process if you have read my thread but if god permitting me and my asawa want to get married in uk this august..its just small wedding with friends as we plan to have wedding again phil with my family...
    I just want to ask if when we are married already is there a chance that i can get my passport in 1 day and flr in the second day?.
    The reason is i havent met my mother untill now..we are only talking in phone.So on 2nd week of august is the only time she can go to philippines for vacation,so i want to be there by august to see her for the first time and so she can meet also my asawa...

    If i cnt get my passport in 1 day,how many days is the quickest to get the passport change to my asawa's surname?Thanks everyone
    Donald16Mhae ::

  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    If you submit your application in UK then the passport processing period is 4-6 weeks.

    If you apply in Phil the quickest is 10 working days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Is it Philippine passport you're on about?
    The chance is small Mhae!
    Since DFA started to use that matrix etc., they became more strict this time for security reasons.

  4. #4
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    Thanks po for reply but the flr can get in 1 day right?so it means i will just get flr first then go home to phil to meet my mom...then whn im back in uk will just change it to my husband's surname.... will i still have all my stamps in my passport if i change my passport to my asawa's surname?
    Donald16Mhae ::

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