Grumpy old man huh..that's what Jane calls me when thing done go my way...the red mist falls and then that's it, more so when we are in the Philippines.
We take much for granted here like hot and cold running water 24/4.
The phone line goes down and someone is out to fix it the next day.
There are so many other thing I could mention I take for granted living in the UK.
It's not until I go to the Philippines to play house, you realise not all is as it should be, what would be a simple solution in UK there in Phil you have have to move mountains to solve and know as I'm getting older my limits are getting and and less.
Jane tells me 'Mark this is what it is here and it won't change' and I say 'It won't change because nobody complains, you all just accept'.
One more example. From Dasma town to Baclaran we take a bus, not a jeepney but a proper aircon coach.
The driver just keeps on stopping to collect passengers, all seats are taken and paid for but, he still stops to collect passengers so, you end up getting 3 people in 2 seats and then you get people standing, crushed in the middle between the seats.
I for one, will not move over so someone can sit all over me!
This has ruined my day many times.
Jane accepts the ways there, I can't. It will always be a third world, no one wants to fight the injustices. You just look while you are on these buses and jeepneys, just look at the faces, the faces of the condemed.
From a grumpy old man![]()