Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
I haven't been offended by your thread Arthur, though wasn't particularly interested in it? So don't feel bad about it.
We have to remember, that probably 50%?? of the forum is religious.

When I spent time in the Philippines, we used to go to church most sundays, stand outside because it was packed. I wasn't interested in the service, just used to enjoy watching the food & flower vendors, setting up, for when the congregation departed. I went because of my wifes beliefs & her sister, who was staying with us.

However, I always think of churches, as a place of great beauty & they instill a sense of calm in me. For me, this has nothing to do with any proof or disproof of God.

Likewise, we went & lit candles, for our departed loved ones on All Souls, or All Saints day can't remember which day oops!...& that was a very moving experience...will never forget that.

When my neighbour died suddenly, back in january aged 46, well over 200 people attended his funeral. He was always very popular. He had a Humanist service & lovely it was too, but it was almost religious, in feeling & the sense of everyone coming together.

This is why I know I can draw some comfort, from religion, without having to have any set beliefs, or proof of anything.
Well put Mr Bristol, that is my understanding as well