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Thread: Isn't It Stange ... But True?

  1. #151
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    Who was it who said early on in this thread that 'these non-believers love to get on there soap boxes'

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    , gentlemen for your solidarity; my thanks, too to gwapito (Mark) ... and to all the others who've been a tremendous source of support throughout the days since I posted this [perhaps] ill-advised, thought-provoking and UNintentionally controversial thread last Sunday!
    Good thread Arthur, your integrity is intact while the opposing is losing it

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Good thread Arthur, your integrity is intact while the opposing is losing it
    I think you'll find we've been down this road before and any wiff of religion is guarenteed to get a certain individual posting frantically - the post count of that individual says it all on this thread. That individual loses the argument every time by stating her/his opinion and then rubbishing other's contribution, so any attempt at sensible discussion just doesn't work. At the end of the day, if your pro-religion and you go to Church, thats cool, if your anti-religion, thats cool as well, its your choice.

  4. #154
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    Arthur's integrity is never in doubt to me and the many forum members whom he has personally supported through their good and bad news. That's why he is a trusted member. To become one you have to earn respect over time. It's not easily achieved and rightly so. Anything I say related to health is evidence based, not opinion alone.
    There is a huge amount of evidence supporting Arthur's trusted status on this forum. I trust him implicitly

  5. #155
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    The simple fact of the matter is that Christianity is in terminal decline, so all of you bible readers can hang on to a dying brainwashing ideology without any proof.
    Once again, I ask any of you to even show a tiny morsel of any proof........
    From the previous posts that we have had on this subject, no proof has ever been forthcoming.
    What a shock
    The interesting thing for me is that the declining popularity of the church means that there are less and less children to have to swallow these ridiculous fairy tales.
    So as the people on here continue to bring up religious references, you are a dying breed and clearly don't like to be reminded of this truth.
    In the media and in the pubs all over the land, religion is ridiculed every day.
    So once again why try to infect this forum with religion, when the purpose of this forum is not religion in any of it's guises.

    Go to church, mosque or synagogue and enjoy what you do in your own private way, but don't bring these hair-brained notions to the forum.

    If you want people to believe anything you believe in then offer any form of proof.

    I thought that some members would have more sense than to post more religious claptrap, but as this is an open forum where we can all post what we want as long as we don't get personal, then balance should be the order of the day.

    This is why I make comments on this particular subject.

    So "That individual loses the argument every time by stating her/his opinion and then rubbishing other's contribution, so any attempt at sensible discussion just doesn't work" comment should be seen for the biased ideology that it belongs to.

    I live in a country where almost all the people I meet laugh at most types of religion.
    Just because the Philippines is still dominated by Catholicism doesn't mean that we in England have to buy into that.

    I refuse to prove that I exist,” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing. – Douglas Adams

  6. #156
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    The simple fact of the matter is that Christianity is in terminal decline, so all of you bible readers can hang on to a dying brainwashing ideology without any proof.
    *Once again, I ask any of you to even show a tiny morsel of any proof........
    From the previous posts that we have had on this subject, no proof has ever been forthcoming.

    I refuse to prove that I exist,” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing. – Douglas Adams
    IMPOSSIBLE! NO-ONE on this Earth can either PROVE or DISPROVE the existence of an Almighty Creator. All Christians can do is BELIEVE ... believe in the Power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and be guided by their FAITH. And, moreover, contrary to what YOU imply, the Bible [which - to my shame - I HAVEN'T read!] is reputed to account for the LARGEST number of literary sales worldwide.

  7. #157
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    The interesting thing for me is that the declining popularity of the church means that there are less and less children to have to swallow these ridiculous fairy tales.

    In the media and in the pubs all over the land, religion is ridiculed every day.
    So once again why try to infect this forum with religion,Go to church, mosque or synagogue and enjoy what you do in your own private way, but don't bring these hair-brained notions to the forum.

    I thought that some members would have more sense than to post more religious claptrap, but as this is an open forum where we can all post what we want as long as we don't get personal, then balance should be the order of the day.

    So "That individual loses the argument every time by stating her/his opinion and then rubbishing other's contribution, so any attempt at sensible discussion just doesn't work" comment should be seen for the biased ideology that it belongs to.

    I live in a country where almost all the people I meet laugh at most types of religion.

    I refuse to prove that I exist,” says God, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing. – Douglas Adams
    Ridiculous fairy tales ... religion is mocked by the media, and in pubs ... hair-brained notions ... religious claptrap ... people scoffing at most types of religion? NOW, who's being personal?

  8. #158
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post

    Just because the Philippines is still dominated by Catholicism doesn't mean that we in England have to buy into that.
    I'm sure YOU know as well as I do ... that the Reformation of the Church in England partly came about in an attempt to stamp out idolitary.

    Anyway, I live in Scotland - which accounts for 7% of the 10 percent of the Nation's churchgoers. So we're not all heathens up here!

  9. #159
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    For once and for all ... I started this thread in all innocence. But ironically, it has since occurred to me that it could equally-well serve as an indicator of how materialistic Western Society in general has become! Hopefully, each of us can live our lives peacefully in whichever ways we choose - so long as we neither hurt nor harm anyone else in the process!

  10. #160
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    In the media and in the pubs all over the land, religion is ridiculed every day.
    So you trust the media apo? A bigger brainwashing tool as any religion And if people in pubs are saying it well it must be the gospel Are these drunkards the modern day prophets and philosophhers now

    As Arthur says proof works both ways. You can't prove there isn't a God as much as anybody can

  11. #161
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I live in a country where almost all the people I meet laugh at most types of religion....???
    Religion does not matter.....Catholic, many are Christian, some are Islamic, and a few are Jewish, and they all prayed to the same God (who is called by different names). I am sure that He does not much care if those praying go to different places of worship on different days of the week. God looks directly into the hearts of people Mr. Aposhark.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Ridiculous fairy tales ... religion is mocked by the media, and in pubs ... hair-brained notions ... religious claptrap ... people scoffing at most types of religion? NOW, who's being personal?
    I have not mentioned you by name or insulted you, however I still know that it is best for people in the UK not to talk about religion in public.
    I think we all know that by doing so will mostly attract scorn.
    This is why manic street preachers are often ridiculed in the street.
    They were in Chester when I lived there.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    IMPOSSIBLE! NO-ONE on this Earth can either PROVE or DISPROVE the existence of an Almighty Creator. All Christians can do is BELIEVE ... believe in the Power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and be guided by their FAITH. And, moreover, contrary to what YOU imply, the Bible [which - to my shame - I HAVEN'T read!] is reputed to account for the LARGEST number of literary sales worldwide.
    It is not up to an atheist to prove anything
    If this book really did it's job, why is Christianity in decline

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I'm sure YOU know as well as I do ... that the Reformation of the Church in England partly came about in an attempt to stamp out idolitary.

    Anyway, I live in Scotland - which accounts for 7% of the 10 percent of the Nation's churchgoers. So we're not all heathens up here!
    Heathens? Come on, are you living in the past?
    You'll be calling us devil worshippers next, and incidently hell and the devil also do not exist, or are you still falling for that too
    It is all so outdated and from a different era, when the church meant so much to so many people.
    Thankfully figures and trends show that people have gradually seen sense and have left the church in their millions in the UK.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    For once and for all ... I started this thread in all innocence. But ironically, it has since occurred to me that it could equally-well serve as an indicator of how materialistic Western Society in general has become! Hopefully, each of us can live our lives peacefully in whichever ways we choose - so long as we neither hurt nor harm anyone else in the process!
    So, if there was a "god" and a "jesus", why does the church need so much land and property , and do you think "jesus" would approve? I thought he was supposed to have thrown the money lenders out.
    Live lives peacefully???? Why do religious types knock on peoples' doors whilst they are relaxing at home?
    I call that an invasion of privacy.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Religion does not matter.....Catholic, many are Christian, some are Islamic, and a few are Jewish, and they all prayed to the same God (who is called by different names). I am sure that He does not much care if those praying go to different places of worship on different days of the week. God looks directly into the hearts of people Mr. Aposhark.
    Thank you for your reply.
    My replies have been to consistently ask for any proof of a "god", and as none has ever been submitted in the past ANYWHERE and ANY TIME, I can deduce that there is no such thing as a "god".
    Ask yourself why there are so many churches in the Philippines, in a country where there is a great deal of poverty.
    Is that right and just. So much money tied up by people who won't even sanction the use of condoms to alleviate the conditions of the poor.
    In more wealthy countries, Catholicism is dying fast - people are too busy to buy into any more brainwashing.
    People prefer to live for the here and now, not the promise that everything will be better when they are dead

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    It is not up to an atheist to prove anything
    If this book really did it's job, why is Christianity in decline
    The media, like you said They're a new type of religion in a way, certainly got the masses worshipping some strange beings. Jordan, Beckham etc You said it yourself the media openly mock christianity, and they're doing a fine job of now turning the non-believers against Islam, making it looki like nothing but a violent religion I even saw the Sun picking on Buddhism the last time I fancied a laugh

    Why is it not up to the atheist to prove anything You want proof there is no God, but you can't prove there isn't.

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Religion does not matter.....Catholic, many are Christian, some are Islamic, and a few are Jewish, and they all prayed to the same God (who is called by different names). I am sure that He does not much care if those praying go to different places of worship on different days of the week. God looks directly into the hearts of people Mr. Aposhark.
    they all prayed to the same God (who is called by different names)

    Spot on Though the media would have me believe otherwise

  19. #169
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Hi Apo, I agree that this can be a HOT topic and arouse deep seated emotions.
    But I posted a reply a week ago and i will repost it now.

    Hi guys, just putting this out there for your CONSIDERATION!!

    For those who believe in a God and revere the scriptures as being divinely inspired , why doesnt 'christianity' follow what the Bible teaches?

    noted philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once said: "The Christianity of the New Testament simply does not exist. Millions of people through the centuries have little by little cheated God out of Christianity and have succeeded in making Christianity exactly the opposite of what it is in the New Testament."

    Where's Christmas, Easter, etc commanded in the Bible, where is Sunday mentioned as the Sabbath??

    Maybe we dont follow what the Bible teaches at all .

    Quote fromCardinal James Gibbons , leading Catholic Cardinal, in 1876
    : "But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify. The Catholic Church correctly teaches that our Lord and His Apostles inculcated certain important duties of religion which are not recorded by the inspired writers.

    There are loads of examples of leading 'church men who agree that Sunday was never authorised by the Bible.
    As i say guys for consideration and please no unpleasant mud slinging............we'reall adults here .

    My point is that most people assume certain things, but my suggestion is this.

    The 'religion ' in the Bible is not necesarily the kind practiced by most today.
    If that is the case then all we are doing here is ranting and raving about FALSE religion , and not the one left behind in the scriptures.
    As for 'proof' heres a food for thought and this is an undisputed fact!!.
    There has never been any archaeological find that has been contrary to the scriptures, all finds have only substantiated what has been found in the Biblical text, as recently as 1993 there was NO evidence that King David existed, then evidence was unearthed that was written about him by his enemies, and now its accepted that he did exist and it supports the Bible.
    This is just for you and everyone to ponder on.
    I can see its a sore point for you and you get a bit wound up....theres no point in doing that.
    It would be nice if it can be discussed rationally, most of us are here cos we are in love with a filipina, thats one thing we ALL have in common , and BTW ive enjoyed reading about your Panaginip story.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    ......Why is it not up to the atheist to prove anything You want proof there is no God, but you can't prove there isn't.
    I like to have proof of any claims that are made.
    I have five senses that indicate everything to me in this world.
    If someone told you the earth was flat, wouldn't you like proof of that fact ?
    You know that the earth is spheroidal and under the influence of gravity so you won't fall off.
    I like proof of any ridiculous claims, especially if these claims have gone on for hundreds of years.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurel View Post
    Hi Apo, I agree that this can be a HOT topic and arouse deep seated emotions.
    But I posted a reply a week ago and i will repost it now.

    Hi guys, just putting this out there for your CONSIDERATION!!

    For those who believe in a God and revere the scriptures as being divinely inspired , why doesnt 'christianity' follow what the Bible teaches?

    noted philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once said: "The Christianity of the New Testament simply does not exist. Millions of people through the centuries have little by little cheated God out of Christianity and have succeeded in making Christianity exactly the opposite of what it is in the New Testament."

    Where's Christmas, Easter, etc commanded in the Bible, where is Sunday mentioned as the Sabbath??

    Maybe we dont follow what the Bible teaches at all .

    Quote fromCardinal James Gibbons , leading Catholic Cardinal, in 1876
    : "But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify. The Catholic Church correctly teaches that our Lord and His Apostles inculcated certain important duties of religion which are not recorded by the inspired writers.

    There are loads of examples of leading 'church men who agree that Sunday was never authorised by the Bible.
    As i say guys for consideration and please no unpleasant mud slinging............we'reall adults here .

    My point is that most people assume certain things, but my suggestion is this.

    The 'religion ' in the Bible is not necesarily the kind practiced by most today.
    If that is the case then all we are doing here is ranting and raving about FALSE religion , and not the one left behind in the scriptures.
    As for 'proof' heres a food for thought and this is an undisputed fact!!.
    There has never been any archaeological find that has been contrary to the scriptures, all finds have only substantiated what has been found in the Biblical text, as recently as 1993 there was NO evidence that King David existed, then evidence was unearthed that was written about him by his enemies, and now its accepted that he did exist and it supports the Bible.
    This is just for you and everyone to ponder on.
    I can see its a sore point for you and you get a bit wound up....theres no point in doing that.
    It would be nice if it can be discussed rationally, most of us are here cos we are in love with a filipina, thats one thing we ALL have in common , and BTW ive enjoyed reading about your Panaginip story.
    I am not wound up....the people who believe in something without proof have been wound up for centuries
    If there are some stories in the bible that mention some historical fact and then archeology proves it then that is great.
    I and millions of others would like to see any proof that there is a "god".
    As yet, we continue our lives in the here and now.
    My wife is still beautiful to me, moreso now with her bump
    Our little daughter will come soon.
    We have seen the scans and watched her moving her tiny hands and feet, now that is the reason why I am alive

  22. #172
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    My wife is still beautiful to me, moreso now with her bump
    Our little daughter will come soon.
    We have seen the scans and watched her moving her tiny hands and feet, now that is the reason why I am alive

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurel View Post
    Hi Apo, I agree that this can be a HOT topic and arouse deep seated emotions.
    But I posted a reply a week ago and i will repost it now.

    Hi guys, just putting this out there for your CONSIDERATION!!

    For those who believe in a God and revere the scriptures as being divinely inspired , why doesnt 'christianity' follow what the Bible teaches?

    noted philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once said: "The Christianity of the New Testament simply does not exist. Millions of people through the centuries have little by little cheated God out of Christianity and have succeeded in making Christianity exactly the opposite of what it is in the New Testament."

    Where's Christmas, Easter, etc commanded in the Bible, where is Sunday mentioned as the Sabbath??

    Maybe we dont follow what the Bible teaches at all .

    Quote fromCardinal James Gibbons , leading Catholic Cardinal, in 1876
    : "But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify. The Catholic Church correctly teaches that our Lord and His Apostles inculcated certain important duties of religion which are not recorded by the inspired writers.

    There are loads of examples of leading 'church men who agree that Sunday was never authorised by the Bible.
    As i say guys for consideration and please no unpleasant mud slinging............we'reall adults here .

    My point is that most people assume certain things, but my suggestion is this.

    The 'religion ' in the Bible is not necesarily the kind practiced by most today.
    If that is the case then all we are doing here is ranting and raving about FALSE religion , and not the one left behind in the scriptures.
    As for 'proof' heres a food for thought and this is an undisputed fact!!.
    There has never been any archaeological find that has been contrary to the scriptures, all finds have only substantiated what has been found in the Biblical text, as recently as 1993 there was NO evidence that King David existed, then evidence was unearthed that was written about him by his enemies, and now its accepted that he did exist and it supports the Bible.
    This is just for you and everyone to ponder on.
    I can see its a sore point for you and you get a bit wound up....theres no point in doing that.
    It would be nice if it can be discussed rationally, most of us are here cos we are in love with a filipina, thats one thing we ALL have in common , and BTW ive enjoyed reading about your Panaginip story.
    Hi laurel, thanks for reading this thread and many posts.
    It is good that archeologists confirm some historical facts that the bible mentioned.
    As yet however, there is still no proof of a "god".
    Millions of people in the history of mankind would be shocked to find out about any proof.

    Thanks for reading about "Panaginip".
    She is still my dream in life, my true love and the nicest person I have ever met anywhere.
    I am a very lucky man to have met such a beautiful loving wife, and there is a mini-Panaginip coming in the next 9 weeks so our home is full of love and kisses.
    I just continue to work all the hours I can to provide for her, and when I see her beautiful smile at the door when I come home after work, it makes everything worthwhile

  24. #174
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    Hi laurel, sorry I don't know how posting under your name could have happened
    Very strange

  25. #175
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi laurel, sorry I don't know how posting under your name could have happened
    Very strange
    What happened did i miss something??

  26. #176
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    i see mistske didnt use the quote function properly.........................wheres a red face when u need it

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I like to have proof of any claims that are made.
    I have five senses that indicate everything to me in this world.
    If someone told you the earth was flat, wouldn't you like proof of that fact ?
    You know that the earth is spheroidal and under the influence of gravity so you won't fall off.
    I like proof of any ridiculous claims, especially if these claims have gone on for hundreds of years.
    Yep, I'm the same - I want proof before I commit to believing in something, or dedicating my life to it. But in the case of God nobody can prove his exitence or nonexistence. On Nigel's thread, "If you could teach the world one thing..." My reply was that if we taught kids from an early age about the "facts" of religion - that we don't actually know all the answers, sometime in the future one of those kids might grow up and work it all out

    Religion has got pretty messed up over the years, no doubt about it, and even though I don't adhere to any of them I'm pretty certain there is intelligent design to everything in the universe

  28. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurel View Post
    i see mistske didnt use the quote function properly.........................wheres a red face when u need it
    Life's full of those little moments
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  29. #179
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Being the pope means never having to say your sorry.

  30. #180
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Arthur's integrity is never in doubt to me and the many forum members whom he has personally supported through their good and bad news. That's why he is a trusted member. To become one you have to earn respect over time. It's not easily achieved and rightly so. Anything I say related to health is evidence based, not opinion alone.
    There is a huge amount of evidence supporting Arthur's trusted status on this forum. I trust him implicitly
    Thank you my friend ... for your kind words, as always ... and for your confidence in me.

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The Christianity of the New Testament simply does not exist. Millions of people through the centuries have little by little cheated God out of Christianity and have succeeded in making Christianity exactly the opposite of what it is in the New Testament.

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