Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
I have nothing to do with those kind of people anymore. Put up a few pics on facebook of the perfect beaches here then delete those "friends" a few days later. Those kind of people who make retarded comments are usually the kind who live in boxes staring at boxes every night, then think they're living the dream going to benidorm once a year. You know the type, complain about all the Indians in england, then treat themselves to an Indian takeaway once a month

Don't take it personally mate The world's full of the narrow-minded fools
Even family, which includes mine and I'm talking about my Son Daughter and first wife.
My wife accepts them, they will not, they have even tried 'It's us or her' thing!
Jane knew I have been married before and that I have 2 grown up kids 26 and 29.
Jane has accepted them and loved them, they on the other hand will not.

I have wondered why they are like this as my brother and sisters mother and father are not like this.

I put it down to being away from home while they were growing up, they were spoilt by there mother.
I guess it was to make up for my absences making a better life, how wrong was I !!!!!!

My loyalty is with my wife of course, they say blood is thicker than water, in this case it's not.
My wife is number 1 and always will be.