Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
i have had trouble with the steriotyping also

i work in an enviroment where banter is a part of the way we work but the ladyboy and "nip" ting tong etc comments and sly digs which my collegues seem to find acceptable are wearing thin.
they think that by not directly mentioning the philippines but overall asianness (?) then they can get away with it

i have stated to them that if anyone upsets myrna with these comments when shes over they will either get sacked or be asked to step outside
The trouble is Sparky, you can't fight everybody. You will find very few with the courage to face up to you..these are the cowards in life

The one's that do, I find in my case its my kids.
Like Arthur said, they try the emotional backmail stuff.
It hasn't worked and never will with me.

You just have to rise above it, or you will be fighting for ever