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Thread: farting people

  1. #1
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    farting people

    The Vain Person
    One who loves the smell of his own farts.

    The Amiable Person
    One who loves the smell of other people's farts.

    The Proud Person
    One who thinks his farts are exceptionable fine.

    The Shy Person
    One who releases silent farts then blushes.

    The Imprudent Person
    One who boldly farts out loud, and then laughs.

    The Unfortunate Person
    One who tries hard to fart, but shits instead.

    The Scientific Person
    One who farts frequently, but is truly concerned for the environment.

    The Nervous Person
    One who stops in the middle of a fart.

    The Honest Person
    One who admitted he farted, but offers a good medical reason.

    The Dishonest Person
    One who farts but blames the dog.

    The Foolish Person
    One who suppresses a fart for hours and hours.

    The Thrifty Person
    One who always has several farts in reserve.

    The Anti-Social Person
    One who excuses himself and farts in complete privacy.

    The Strategic Person
    One who conceals his farts with loud coughing.

    The Sadistic Person
    One who farts in bed and then fluffs the covers over his bedmate.

    The Intelligent Person
    One who can determine from the smell of his neighbor's fart, precisely the latest food items consumed.

    Which one you can relate to then ???
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  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Im kind of the honest person and my partner is a sadistic and dishonest one...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I have to be the The Proud Person! Judith is eerrrrrrmm The Imprudent Person!

    I have just had a huge slap for that one! Judith says

  4. #4
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    The Imprudent Person
    One who boldly farts out loud, and then laughs.

    The Honest Person
    One who admitted he farted, but offers a good medical reason.

    The Dishonest Person
    One who farts but blames the cat.

    These reminds me of TJ
    tiger tigress

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  5. #5
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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